Friday, October 29, 2004

What is Leadership?

I was watching The Apprentice last night. Elizabeth got easily Donalded for poor leadership. As George the old curmudgeon said, "The outcome woulda been the same" had Trump "wasted the time" for the key player meeting. It seems odd to say that I get life lessons from a TV show, but I recognize every one of the people I see on that show. Some aren't that smart, but are natural leaders. Some are really smart, but get so hung up on the details, that they miss the general program. Some are worker bees that would make great staff. And some are blustering blowhards that add alot of headache and heart burn, but little to no substance to a business discussion. The smart ones and the worker bees are the kind that the natural leaders look for to build successes. The blowhards get fired. As do the indecisive.

So in this decision we're all about to make this Tuesday, who's the blowhard and who's the natural leader? Who's the indecisive? Elizabeth got bounced out on her ear by the Trumpster because she wouldn't make a decision and stick to it. Andy "the Kid" stuck to his guns amid all the disagreements and produced a NYPD add that made me want to "join the Force!" A leader can be wrong but never, never, ever, indecisive. Indecision gets business deals killed or overrun by the competition. Indecision on the battlefield just plain gets people killed. Wrong and even right decisions can produce the same result, but not the severity. Capt Talltales is making much out of the 380 tons of HMX/RDX that may or may not have been in Al Qaqaa. He has little to no facts, but has leaped to a conclusion anyway. Some nod in furious, lip-spittle agreement spouting "The buck stops here" in pointing at Dubya. To expect a leader to make every decision, however minute, points to people who don't understand leaderhip.

Dubya made a decision and selected a team of human beings, that are very talented but not incapable of making mistakes, to execute his decision as any good non-micro manager would. He is relying on them to make the tactical decisions necessary to secure his strategic decision, from which he has never wavered. To expect the POTUS to take personal responsibility for a weapons cache that got overlooked (if it fact did), or for a bunch of sick morals-challenged idiots that abused prisoners in their care, is irrational. He's responsible to make sure bad behavior is punished (Fired!) and reward good behavior and success. Overall his strategic decision has produced a phenomenal success (Afghanistan elections, Libya disarming, Iraqi elections to come) with some very public and glaring tactical missteps (Abu Ghraib for sure). Does that mean he's a poor leader? Not at all. even 'the Donald' has made his share of screw-ups or had subordinates screw-up a project for him, but that doesn't mean the project stops!

Capt Talltales understands none of that. Capt Talltales is a blowhard. Capt. Talltales is a poser. I have trouble understanding why nearly half of Americans are still debating this fact. Talltales has added nothing to a very much needed national debate over our purpose in the world except bluster, argumentation, style, and ZERO substance. The last thing he wants is the buck to stop at his desk. He does not wish to lead this nation for better or worse, he wishes to follow the UN. Just as Bill Clinton followed polls his whole career. He's managed to alienate nearly everyone along the way except the most fanatic of the liberal faithful. Capt. Talltales appears to be promising near perfection as a leader. That would make him a liar.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

USS Kerry, the Downwards Slide Begins

The stern of the USS Kerry has been vertical in the water for a few days now. It seems the last bulkhead finally burst that was keeping the wretched thing afloat. You might say Capt. Talltales kicked it in himself or perhaps was just trying to scrap Al Qaqaa off his boots. Dubya said, "Oh no you don't! You own this pal!" (Requires NYT login)

The blogosphere is hanging all over this like a cheap suit (thankfully) here, here, and here. As much as I chastised myself earlier for having too much fun at Kerry's expense before, I just can't help myself. The man is a menace who couldn't be trusted in the Oval Office for the next four years. At least to not preserve safety for me and mine


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

USS Kerry, Capt. Talltales steps in Al Qaqaa

Eewww, pew, what's that smell?? Looks like Al Qaqaa to me.

Sad to watch a man drown, I have to say. Yesterday, Capt. Talltales started throwing passengers and crew (aka the TRUTH) out of the way reaching for hand and footholds in a desparate scramble to the top of the now vertical stern. He said this:

"After being warned about the danger of major stockpiles of explosives in Iraq, this administration failed to guard those stockpiles – where nearly 380 tons of highly explosive weapons were kept. Today we learned that these explosives are missing, unaccounted for and could be in the hands of terrorists.
“Terrorists could use this material to kill our troops and our people, blow up airplanes and level buildings.
“In May of this year, the administration was warned that terrorists may be helping themselves to ‘the greatest explosives bonanza in history.’ And now we know that our country and our troops are less safe because this president failed to do the basics. This is one of the great blunders of the Bush policy in Iraq
. "

Only problem is, the truth is this and this:

"NBC News: Miklaszewski: “April 10, 2003, only three weeks into the war, NBC News was embedded with troops from the Army's 101st Airborne as they temporarily take over the Al Qakaa weapons installation south of Baghdad. But these troops never found the nearly 380 tons of some of the most powerful conventional explosives, called HMX and RDX, which is now missing. The U.S. troops did find large stockpiles of more conventional weapons, but no HMX or RDX, so powerful less than a pound brought down Pan Am 103 in 1988, and can be used to trigger a nuclear weapon. In a letter this month, the Iraqi interim government told the International Atomic Energy Agency the high explosives were lost to theft and looting due to lack of security. Critics claim there were simply not enough U.S. troops to guard hundreds of weapons stockpiles, weapons now being used by insurgents and terrorists to wage a guerrilla war in Iraq.” (NBC’s “Nightly News,” 10/25/04)"

Sad to watch a man drown, but his boat is beginning the long, slow slide into the chilly, murky depths. Thank God.


Monday, October 25, 2004

USS Kerry, Stern Bobbing Like a Cork

The bow broke away finally and began its long plummet to the ocean floor with this. The stern bobs up and down in the frigid water. Terry McAuliffe and the rest of the crew begin to think like Ismays! Captain Talltales just can't help himself.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

USS Kerry Bow Starts Breaking Away

Did you hear that screeching today? Well it was either metal tearing or the hole under skipper's "opinionated vife's" nose spewed this. The boat's stern up and his wife starts jumping up and down on the stern adding dynamic resonance to the midship strain. As if Kerry hadn't alienated the United Nesters of America enough!!

Or if you're tired of the nautical references try this rip off of a internet joke on job performance evaluations: "This candidate has hit rock bottom, so his wife pulls out the pickaxe." I vividly remember the time the fetching Mrs. Guano (not her real name) corrected me regarding stay at home moms as "working out of the house." Billionairess' and spoiled brat kept men wouldn't ever get that.


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

How to Matter, Part 2

If a charitable organization were to hand you food or substance or the means to make it for yourself, what would you take?

For many people around the world, they've taken this . Heifer International is another self-help organization worth your consideration. I strive to find organizations that seek to help up rather than hand out. That is the way to end misery and spread freedom and liberty across the globe versus unsustainable and un-Christian dependency. Our brothers and sisters everywhere across this planet deserve no less from us. If you have an organization you'd like posted here, send me a link and I'll check it out


Choose LIFE or choose whatever on 11/2

Hugh asks some more:

Vox Blogoli IV:

Why vote for Bush? Simple, LIFE

and what's wrong with Kerry? Simple, DEATH

Or if we are to do some word association with "Bush" and "Kerry," I tend to think of words like; vision, courage, conviction, and of course, sinner, when it comes to the word Bush. Some people may read that and think "sinner" contradicts the other words. Au Contrare, to flip to the other word for just a moment. An acknowledged sinner is more trustworthy to me then one who won't acknowledge sin's existence. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery as the saying goes. Bush understands what drives evil - suppression of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Free people won't tolerate terrorism and barbarians as he said in New Jersey yesterday. Bush advocates LIFE for those who have simply been existing. Vote for LIFE.

Word association with "Kerry" produces one word for me: Contrived. Everything about John Forbes Kerry has an appearance of being staged. I start with his interview on MTV where he expressed his appreciation for rap and its "social energy." The use of that descriptor alone echoed back to the 70s and all those buzzwords of the counter-culture. It struck me as phony then and even more so now. Sorry, but rap doesn't qualify as poetry. As Diane Keaton said in Something's Gotta Give, "How many words can rhyme with 'bitch'?"

Next were the Vietnam tall tales that have guided his politics after being "SEARED' into him for the past 20 years. Great tall tales to tell your grandkids around the camp fire as the shadows of woods encroach, but poor determinants of public policy. Christmas in Cambodia, CIA men passing out souvenir hats, VC the dog, etc. They've been discussed ad-nauseam so I needn't raise them again other then to say I don't believe them.

Next: the Harvey the Rabbit foreign leaders who want to see him elected and Bush removed. HUH?

Next: the Christopher Reeve cell phone message. Another touching, heart-warming story, but why did he bring it up at all? If it really happened, play it back for the press to defuse questions like mine. Another contrived tale to remind everyone that he supports embryonic stem cell research and Bush doesn't. That's a lie, of course, but sure polls well.

Next: His mom's dying words to him; "Integrity, integrity, integrity" Why 3 times, because she was afraid he didn't get it? That's harsh of me, I'll admit, but that rang like a bell of slag. A man who would use his mother's passing to get out a politically correct soundbite while basically ignoring his wife's meaning to him just annoyed me. The "one flesh" thing doesn't appear to exist there. On the "flip" side, Bush described his well placed respect of his better half's worth and value, and hinted to a wise fear of a woman's anger. A real man knows female anger towards himself is not pleasant, but much, much better than her indifference!

Next: well I could blabber on and on over JFK2's tall tales, but the point is I don't know what to believe about John Forbes Kerry anymore. I heard a man at 24-hour saying he prefers Kerry because being able to change one's mind is a sign of strength. In that case, Kerry must be approaching Godhood by now. He could change his mind today on a variety of issues, which means I can't trust him to be right or wrong but somewhere in the middle. Problem is, there is no middle to right and wrong - it's one or the other when it comes to LIFE and DEATH. If I were to follow a man I don't trust in life, then I'm probably choosing DEATH. Perhaps not death for myself or mine but certainly death for somebody. President John Forbes Kerry means somebody(s) in this country will die a horrible and grotesque death. President Bush redux doesn't guarantee that won't happen, but the other way certainly does.


Sunday, October 17, 2004

"Dr. StopWorrying" wazzup with that?

A few people have asked me about the title of this web log Dr StopWorrying. It started with my favorite movie from the college days "Dr. Strangelove, or how I learned to stop worrying.. "etc, etc. Liberals, as I once was, love that movie, just love it. It made real every conspiracy theory or whacked out belief us nattering nabobs held about the government and America in general.

Nowadays, that satire on man's belief in himself is juxtaposed with the revised description of this site. I remember a sermon on exactly this topic. When we see the world seemingly going nuts, the Lord stands ready as long as we stand ready to ask. The story of post-David Israel, as I keep harping on, is the Lord delivers the leaders we ask for, or as the case may be, we DIDN'T ask for - from Him anyway. Feel free to to make modern day comparisons with Ahab, the list is boundless. For those who don't know who Ahab was, think Jezebel. Read on in 1 Kings 20. I've seen Ahabs leading this nation, and it makes me nervous for the lives and well being of my children.

I've also seen Hezekiahs ruling the nation. I see Hezekiah's time as having many parallels to our times. He had a tough row to hoe to be sure. His faith in God prevailed for Judah through some very difficult times. Difficult times are ahead of us too, but I will Stop Worrying as I know what requests I've made to God. As for me and my house, we will worship the Lord and pray for more Hezekiahs.


Saturday, October 16, 2004

USS Kerry midships splitting

Hugh asks:

How deep a hole have John Kerry, Mary Beth Cahill and the Edwards dug for themselves? Deep, Deeper, Deepest

How lasting the damage? Forever

Why is this a deep hole? Because women have memories that last forever!!! Lynne Cheney's words "This is not a good man" will resonate deep within female America. Men heard Dick say, "I'm an angry father," and commiserated by thinking or saying, "Yep, Kerry's a low life, but the Niner game is about to start. They're on a roll after Arizona!" Men are past this already. Women, however, who weren't necessarily full on in the Bush camp are going to "reassess" Kerry and he's doomed himself with this voting block. Kerry pretty much pooped in the Cheney nest, and the United Nesters of America aren't going to forget it -EVER.

I'm reminded of arguments I've gotten into with the fetching Mrs. Guano (not her real name). Like Richard Pryor said once, she's starts bringing up "stuff" (I don't think Pryor knew that word) I did months ago!! How can men who have trouble remembering where the heck they left their shoes defend themselves against a hysterical, errr, excuse me, historical attack?!?! I almost feel sorry for Kerry, well almost. For all his intellectualism, the guy's friggin' clueless. "Clueless from Boston" starring John F. Kerry!!

This demonstrates the man's character. Women have always been better judges of character for the most part. They were a voting block JFK wannabe dared not alienate. He did a masterful job of it.


Saturday, October 09, 2004

USS Kerry Deck Panels Snapping

The stern up USS Kerry started snapping deck panels last night at the midships. The frame is in full groan, and the lights are starting to flicker. I had a theory that Dubya was outing Kerry in the first debate, allowing people to see the knucklehead for themselves. A brilliant battle strategery!!

1. Draw the enemy out,
2. probe his strengths and weaknesses,
3. let him think he's advancing,
4. expose his flank.
5. Pounce.

I had a theory that's what the man was doing last week - letting Kerry weave rope. All John Kerry needs to do is open his mouth and his boat starts sucking water faster. The story of post-David Israel is God delivers the leaders we ask for. For every Hezekiah there was an Ahab. I thank God we appear to be staying in a Hezekiah stage.


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

How to Matter, Part 1

Last post I extolled that "America Matters." Here's Part 1 in "How to Matter." The fetching Mrs. Guano (not her real name!) and I sponsor a Hope Child in Uganda. A "Hope Child" is one that lost both parents to AIDS. Tuesday night, I noted Gwen Ifill batting away the topic of African AIDS as if it were a pesky mosquito in favor of AIDS in America. That was American self-indulgence at its worst. In this "educated" country, AIDS is the most preventable disease there is. In Uganda, where some customs dictate a man can cure himself of a venereal disease by having sex with a virgin, it isn't as preventable. It takes more work. Africa doesn't have effective AIDS cocktail regimes for the afflicted. These people just die. Tuesday night we also received an update on how things are going in Uganda from the National Director, Robby Muhumuza:

Dear Sponsor,
Greeting from Uganda!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have extended to your sponsored child and your child's community in Uganda.
Your support has enabled us to build better schools in the communities thus enabling children to study in a conducive learning environment.
Families that had a scarcity of food were taught new farming skills and practices, which provided agricultural inputs. Many of them can now have two meals a day and sell some for an income.
World Vision Uganda also supported infrastructure developments in health. As a result, most communities can now access better medical services in the health units we built and supported. In addition to this, the fight against HIV/AIDS has continued to get special focus in all our interventions.
Water development has been one of our key interventions in various programme areas. This has enabled various communities to access clean water for use, and has been possible as a result of your support.
We also emphasized giving people awareness skills and resources to take care of their children or orphans, so that they have a brighter future.
Thank you very much for your great support in helping us realise the interventions highlighted in the community update report.
Yours Sincerely,
Robby Muhumuza
National Director.
World Vision is a FBO (Faith Based Organizations). That's a four-letter word in some circles. But FBOs seem to be the ones paying more then lip service to the suffering masses of the world. As a FBO, yes they do preach the Gospel (gasp! How horrible!). The postmodern gibberish here would be we have no right to impose our values and culture on them. Well, the ingrained culture there is what's killing them in some circumstances. Whole villages and communities have been laid nearly to waste by the spread of this evil disease, by what we would call promiscuous behavior, but is part of the culture. Either that culture will change or it will go extinct, but lots of people here will feel better about themselves that we dared not impose our values on another people. That mindset is worse than cowardly - it's evil.
Another difficult question gets Malthusian. The Bush Administration has pledged $15 billion to halt the spread of AIDS in Africa. It's taken heat for not spending enough on medication. If AIDS cocktails must be taken on a strict schedule to maintain design concentration in the blood stream, how are these poorer parts of Africa to stay on that schedule? If the culture hasn't changed, by prolonging the life of infected people, does that help increase the spread of the disease? Ouch. How do you answer THAT question? The strict multiculturalist would say that's not up to us. Then the people will die when we could have lifted a finger to stop it. I'll stick with the program of changing the culture and mindsets over there to help stop the spread of a very preventable fatal disease. Want to help? Want to matter to the world? Go here and keep going.


Tuesday, October 05, 2004

America Matters

Haven't posted a thing lately as myself, my family, and my church were going through a John 15:2 pruning similar to what the church in Ephesus went through when Paul wrote his letter to them. Not fun, but a necessary event at times for a Christian to grow in his faith and walk with God. My pruning revolved around the fact I was being a lousy husband (aka Point Man) and a poor model of Christ's relationship to the church. Start at Eph 5:21 to find out what that means.

On other fronts, Hugh Hewitt has a challenge to bloggers out there. Not that I'm any expert on nuclear armaments, but Hewitt thinks Kerry sunk himself with a variety of gaffes that will appear after passing the iceberg he hit on Thursday night. In my last post on 9/11, I noted that the USS Kerry (TitaniKerry per Hewitt) is stern up and the midships (not middecks - thank you to the nautical types for that correction) groan under the strain. I think The USS Kerry is doomed, so won't spend a bunch of time on him nor his wife of disputed sanity, except for...

Are nuke bunker busters an iceberg for Kerry? Not knowing much about them, my answer was I don't know so therefore I had nothing to say until I heard arguments about busting Tora Bora in one swoop, or busting a nuke missile silo in some rogue nation. Okay, yes that's an iceberg, then. That would be a tactical and/or strategic device I would want available to those who've sworn to protect my life, liberty, and happiness. Was "Global Test" an iceberg? That's deeper question for me than busting enemy bunker facilities.

As I've vetted Kerry, I've started noticing things about him that bother me - deeply. The man has been gifted generously in life with; wealth, power, public stature, education, etc. As the Lord has pruned me of those things which do not bring glory to Christ, the thing that struck me as recently as this past Sunday is that Christ has "apportioned" (Eph 4:7) gifts to all men. Use of those gifts keeps one away from false doctrine, and this is where I think John Kerry is failing the Lord. That's a strong comment, I'll grant, but it's meant as an iron sharpening iron comment. Not that I expect the good Senator will ever read a thing I write, but he's mis-using his gifts as I was mis-using mine. John Kerry is in this purely for himself from what I can tell. All evidence points to he could care less about me and mine. A servants heart, I do not see in this man. "Global test" to me anyway, implies he doesn't think much of America and its gifts. The world is smarter than us seems to be his worldview. That just flys in the face of the fact this is the most gifted nation on the planet. If all things come from God, then are we to assume that God blew it, and John Forbes Kerry knows better? Shamefully these gifts were not given to us, but shamefully we just might use them.

Is it shameful to try and share the gift of liberty with those that yearn for it - ala the "Century of Liberty?" Is it shameful to protect liberty's Bright and Shining City on a Hill (us) from those who wish to destroy it? No. It isn't. Are we a perfect people? Certainly not! Are we a shameful and terrible people? Welllll.... one only need watch MTV or other "entertainment" to go all wobbly on that answer. The truth is if we mis-use the gifts we've been given, then they can be taken away from us as easily as they were given. The plight of post-David Israel is what keeps coming to my mind. The GWOT isn't just about protecting ourselves from the evil that lurks in all men's hearts. Some of us just have better self control than others when it comes to evil - that would be another gift, the gift of the "Word" to be specific.

No, I think the GWOT was God working 19 miles upstream to let us know there are whole communities of His people out there suffering under the yoke of evil and WE have been ignoring them. Such oppression has led to evil acts that before was unfathomable to the vast majority of civilized people as in; internet beheadings, murder victim bodies burned hanging from a bridge, an evil regime filming and reveling in its acts of barbarity, so on and so forth. God says to us, "Ignore their sufferings at your own peril." For sure, Abu Ghraib pointed out that evil lurks in American hearts as well, but the difference is we punish those committing such acts. They would have been promoted under saddam, or OBL, or Za-Cowardly. That's what the world saw of us from Abu Ghraib. What they don't understand is the current postmodern gibberish that we have "no right to impose our values on other peoples." Well, first let's lift them out of the dungeon they're in and get them the ability to make such a call before we decide it for them and satisfy ourselves that we're politically correct and go about our self-indulgent ways. There's nothing multi-cultural nor moral about head cutters and mass murderers in any postmodernesque interpretation possible. Perhaps there is, but I'll leave that argument to the sanity challenged.

Responding to an attack with "swift force" is not relieving suffering in the world. And what constitutes an attack to Mr. Kerry? Chemical warfare? Biological? Dirty Bombs? Or how about just a slaughter at a school ala Beslan? NO! We can't just sit and wait for evil to rear its head. The stakes are way to high for everyone anymore. Of the two candidates for the most powerful office in the world (Thank God!), only the current occupant understands why America truly matters to the world. It isn't our culture - the one item I'll agree with anything French on - it's much more than that. He's the one who's the true internationalist upon inspecting his vision for the world. Bowing before the UN and its more thuggish members, does not constitute vision. We do have a Great Commission before us. We've been gifted to carry out that mission. If we fail it by wallowing in self-indulgence, the plight of post-David, pre-Christ Israel could be our road map into the future. That's what concerns me the most about John Forbes Kerry with the title "POTUS."
