Sunday, October 17, 2004

"Dr. StopWorrying" wazzup with that?

A few people have asked me about the title of this web log Dr StopWorrying. It started with my favorite movie from the college days "Dr. Strangelove, or how I learned to stop worrying.. "etc, etc. Liberals, as I once was, love that movie, just love it. It made real every conspiracy theory or whacked out belief us nattering nabobs held about the government and America in general.

Nowadays, that satire on man's belief in himself is juxtaposed with the revised description of this site. I remember a sermon on exactly this topic. When we see the world seemingly going nuts, the Lord stands ready as long as we stand ready to ask. The story of post-David Israel, as I keep harping on, is the Lord delivers the leaders we ask for, or as the case may be, we DIDN'T ask for - from Him anyway. Feel free to to make modern day comparisons with Ahab, the list is boundless. For those who don't know who Ahab was, think Jezebel. Read on in 1 Kings 20. I've seen Ahabs leading this nation, and it makes me nervous for the lives and well being of my children.

I've also seen Hezekiahs ruling the nation. I see Hezekiah's time as having many parallels to our times. He had a tough row to hoe to be sure. His faith in God prevailed for Judah through some very difficult times. Difficult times are ahead of us too, but I will Stop Worrying as I know what requests I've made to God. As for me and my house, we will worship the Lord and pray for more Hezekiahs.
