Give Peace a Chance
Didn't we do that already? Many times? I remember the Pax Clintonia years quite well. Seems Western Civilization's mortal enemies took that lull to build their strength after it had defeated communism. Defeated. YES!!! We defeated communism!!! Now that's a good word isn't it as long as it's applied to our enemies. And enemies we have. I've been observing the Defeatocrats in their "surge" since Grandma took the gavel in the house. In their intoxication, they seem to be rady to leave this country's flank open for attack as long it embarrasses Dubya. Okay, you've embarrassed him, can you please get serious about protecting the country from enemies foriegn and domestic? Not that Grandma's an improvement over Hastert as far as someone who looks in charge. Hastert lost his will to lead a long time ago no argument there, but Grandma is ready to give peace just one more chance at the risk of the Guano family (not their real name) well being. As Hilliary said, "Not so fast!"
Mine are the most precious commodities I have on this planet so I'm not ready to let the Defeatocrat Party play political games with their lives. Our enemies are real and serious about the Guano family's annihilation in the most grotesque manner possible. I don't see the political will to confront this enemy in the power intoxicated Defeatocrat Party, perhaps a little more will in what's left of the backbone of the GOP. Therefore I've joined the Victory Caucus and I urge you to do the same.
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