Monday, January 30, 2006


No this isn’t about a truly awesome TV program on Monday nights. This is about something truly sick making its way through the Legislature. Listening to Hogue this morning, it seems Assemblyman Mark Leno (D-SF) doesn’t think much of the perversion known as kiddie-porn as long as it’s "personal use in one's own home." Unbelievable. Yet a new rock has been overturned in California. Using the search routine in IE on “100”, there’s only one paragraph of relevant text in AB 50 as currently amended. It is below and quite confusing:

311.11. (a) Every person who knowingly possesses or controls any matter, representation of information, data, or image, including, but not limited to, any film, filmstrip, photograph, negative, slide, photocopy, videotape, video laser disc, computer hardware, computer software, computer floppy disc, data storage media, CD-ROM, or computer-generated equipment or any other computer-generated image that contains or incorporates in any manner, any film or filmstrip, the production of which involves the use of a person under the age of 18 years, knowing that the matter depicts a person under the age of 18 years personally engaging in or simulating sexual conduct, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 311.4, is guilty of a public offense and shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for up to one year, or by a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), or by both the fine and imprisonment. If a person possesses more than 100 items that are prohibited by this section, he or she shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for up to one year, or in the state prison.

(b) If a person has been previously convicted of a violation of this section, or of a violation of subdivision (b) of Section 311.2, or subdivision (b) of Section 311.4, he or she is guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for two, four, or six

(c) It is not necessary to prove that the matter is obscene inorder
to establish a violation of this section.

In paragraph (a), can somebody explain the difference to me between having possession on either side of 100 kiddie-porn items? Just what the hell does that last sentence even mean?!?!? Now, I’m not a lawyer, but I can see holes in that text you could drive just a few trucks through. This is a hard-hitting bill on this kind of perversion? Of course, Leno is gallantly entertaining motions to reduce the “100” to “25” in a proposed amendment. So if you only have 24 CDs with up to 9,000 images each – not such a big deal, I guess. Is he freaking kidding us??!?!?!? How about just “1” image?!?!? What’s your quid quo pro for entertaining more amendments Mark?!?!?! Personally, I wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger if this sort of crime was punishable by death by firing squad. I’d really like to know what kind of perverted act might actually make Mark Leno feel nauseous if he has the stomach for this kind of evil.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Skrool Daze

Whoo-HOO! Hoguester is posting again! Glad to see him back with the loss(?) of Nickie Goomba from the ether. Hogue has one close to my heart regarding the public skrool system. The fetching Mrs Guano (not her real name) and I have about had our fill with public skrools heir ins Cullyforjna. First, the tarnished Golden State’s response to lowering performance levels of skrool kids was to heap more curriculum on them rather than explore why teachers today aren’t measuring to those from yesterday. The homework our 5th grader brings home and the way it’s presented to him boggles my mind somedaze. Second, the leftie indoctrination that passes for curriculum these daze (gay marriage, anti-US anything, viva la UN, etc.), and now outright disrespect for anything patriotic. Our High Skrool senior has remarked many times now on the politically correct idiocy he sees on campus nearly every day now. At age 17, he fully understands there are people who do nothing except wait to be offended by something or someone no matter how innocuous the incident might have been. “Free speech is only for those in politically correct power.” Whoa. He’s my step son and damn he’s smart!!! Not quite sure how that reflects on me… He’s that way because of me or in spite of me??? Let’s not go there.

To those of you demanding vouchers now – all in good time my friends. The CTA controlled public skrool system is nurturing an electorate that will turn on it with big fangs once they start having kids and not-so-fondly remember their experiences in the current system. Give ‘em more rope I say.


At Last, An Honest ...

... Leftie. Joel Stein is a smarmy, spoiled rotten little punk that should have spent some time living in east San Jose to balance the Ivy League other-universe land he spent some (but obviously not all) of his growing years in. I appreciate his honesty, however. He is now the anti-poster boy for the I-support-the-troops-but oppose-the-war crowd that always seemed a little truth challenged to me. Joel Stein said what we've all been thinking about the most virulent anti-war protestors. In an odd way, I find him refreshing. He may have just broke the back of the Sheehan type crowd.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Churched Homosexuality?

The homosexual agenda of mainstream acceptance has set its sights on black churches. The Home of Uncommon Sense (great name!!) has the low down, as opposed to the down-low, on it. More than a few so-called black churches across the country have allowed themselves to be politicized by election campaigns in recent years so this particular left-wing targeting should frankly come as no surprise to them.

A wise man once advised me when I was considering taking on an ethically challenged opponent, "If you're going to wrestle with a pig, expect to get some mud on you." As Craig De Luz points out, Jesus is accepting of us, sin and all, but if we insist on maintaining our sinful lifestyles, his response will be "I never knew you," when we stand before the Throne as we all will.


Thursday, January 19, 2006

The NSA is Watching You

For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer – Romans 13:4

Hoguester asked this morning if anyone is bothered by the Federal government, specifically the National Security Agency (NSA), eavesdropping on phone calls, e-mails, etc. making contact with foreign sources. Apparently the MSM thinks “Average American” is weally, weally, weally concerned about this and needs counseling or a tilt-nipple session to sooth their fears that Big Brother (aka Dubya) is watching what they are doing on the couch through their widescreen plasma TVs. So I, Bat Guano (not my real name, on a need-to-know basis, if I told ya, I’d havta kill ya), being of sound averageness, axed myself if I was bothered by the NSA listening in on Americans trading (not kitchen) recipes with Osama Bin Laden and friends.

"Howsa bout a little 'Essence?' BAMM!" "The Essence of Osama" The Jihad Network

No, I’m not.

Actually I would be losing trust in George Bush as a competent Commander-in-Chief if he hadn’t been doing things like this after 9/11 to hunt down bad guys and kill them – or at least kill their plans. Naturally all the slippery slope arguments are coming out this is a return to the bad ole Nixon days of dirty tricks and RF’ing enemies using the all-knowing, all-powerful resources of the guv-mint. The difference here, and why that comparison is an apple to today’s orange, is there was not a shadowy organization with the stated intent to kill as many of us in the most gruesome ways possible. There was the Viet-Cong and the NVA who wanted control of a small country in south east Asia, but were they lobbing airplanes at our skyscrapers, or collecting parts for dirty bombs, or blowing up commuter trains full of people who probably hadn’t given any thought at all on those morning(s) on how to stick it to the Muslims? No.

Our enemy today is evil embodied. These people are not “freedom fighters.” They don’t want freedom for anybody. I sincerely hope any cells of these bastards have been dropped down mineshafts upon discovery to avoid the usual claptrap that would accompany very public trials. I want them destroyed and I don’t give two hoots in hell about hearing their views, nor do I care to hear any multiculturalist crap about how their worldview is just as important as ours and we should seek to understand their views – meaning our views are wrong, ALWAYS.

Do we need to trust our guv-mint in a situation like this? Yes, we do. The “Ruler” can be and must be an “angel of wrath” when times warrant such. Liberals wanting nothing but a wet nurse style guv-mint and ruler will always screech uncontrollably, gnash their teeth, and soil themselves when a strong ruler unafraid of wielding the sword of the established authority sits in the Oval Office. Can the ruler lose the trust of God Who established him? Yes, absolutely. The Old Testament is rife with examples, which is why the Ruler must know his place with respect to the One who established him. Would I trust the ACLU to handle this situation correctly? No I would not. The ACLU and company have raised the Law to the status of an Idol, thus are blinded to its servant purpose. The Law is the tool by which punishment is brought to wrongdoers. To think it can cure or prevent human evil is fantasy. Do I trust George Bush (e.g. the “ruler” subject of Romans 13) to kill the evil that seeks to kill me and mine? From what I know about him, yes I do.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

R.I.P. Fourth Estate

Last night I went to sleep feeling very glad for the West Virginia mining families that had been feverishly praying against all hope for the miracle they would again embrace their husbands/brothers trapped in the mine. This morning on the drive in, "stunned" would be the word best describing my reaction listening to the horrific turn of events the Hoguester was reporting. The MSM broadcast this travesty around the world.

The MSM, formerly known as the Fourth Estate, lived down to my lowest expectations of it last night. Rather than act like professionals, analyzing and then reporting hard verified facts, they descended yet again into rumor mongering to get the scoop. The "fake but accurate" TexANG memos, the Superdome brutality that never happened and so on had bent American journalism's credibility to the breaking point. This mining rumor to cold cruel facts incident finally broke it for me. I'm not gleeful about the demise of the Fourth Estate and the limp wristed running about of the MSM trying to relive past glories looking all the more foolish for it. The Fourth Estate is very necessary for a free society to survive. It's death is not something to cheer but rather something free men and women should fear. It appears the "New Media" aka weblogs, must inherit this mantle, restore the professionalism of the long dead Fourth Estate and bury the juvenile MSM for the good of the nation. God willing, it'll be up to the task.
