Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Choose LIFE or choose whatever on 11/2

Hugh asks some more:

Vox Blogoli IV:

Why vote for Bush? Simple, LIFE

and what's wrong with Kerry? Simple, DEATH

Or if we are to do some word association with "Bush" and "Kerry," I tend to think of words like; vision, courage, conviction, and of course, sinner, when it comes to the word Bush. Some people may read that and think "sinner" contradicts the other words. Au Contrare, to flip to the other word for just a moment. An acknowledged sinner is more trustworthy to me then one who won't acknowledge sin's existence. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery as the saying goes. Bush understands what drives evil - suppression of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Free people won't tolerate terrorism and barbarians as he said in New Jersey yesterday. Bush advocates LIFE for those who have simply been existing. Vote for LIFE.

Word association with "Kerry" produces one word for me: Contrived. Everything about John Forbes Kerry has an appearance of being staged. I start with his interview on MTV where he expressed his appreciation for rap and its "social energy." The use of that descriptor alone echoed back to the 70s and all those buzzwords of the counter-culture. It struck me as phony then and even more so now. Sorry, but rap doesn't qualify as poetry. As Diane Keaton said in Something's Gotta Give, "How many words can rhyme with 'bitch'?"

Next were the Vietnam tall tales that have guided his politics after being "SEARED' into him for the past 20 years. Great tall tales to tell your grandkids around the camp fire as the shadows of woods encroach, but poor determinants of public policy. Christmas in Cambodia, CIA men passing out souvenir hats, VC the dog, etc. They've been discussed ad-nauseam so I needn't raise them again other then to say I don't believe them.

Next: the Harvey the Rabbit foreign leaders who want to see him elected and Bush removed. HUH?

Next: the Christopher Reeve cell phone message. Another touching, heart-warming story, but why did he bring it up at all? If it really happened, play it back for the press to defuse questions like mine. Another contrived tale to remind everyone that he supports embryonic stem cell research and Bush doesn't. That's a lie, of course, but sure polls well.

Next: His mom's dying words to him; "Integrity, integrity, integrity" Why 3 times, because she was afraid he didn't get it? That's harsh of me, I'll admit, but that rang like a bell of slag. A man who would use his mother's passing to get out a politically correct soundbite while basically ignoring his wife's meaning to him just annoyed me. The "one flesh" thing doesn't appear to exist there. On the "flip" side, Bush described his well placed respect of his better half's worth and value, and hinted to a wise fear of a woman's anger. A real man knows female anger towards himself is not pleasant, but much, much better than her indifference!

Next: well I could blabber on and on over JFK2's tall tales, but the point is I don't know what to believe about John Forbes Kerry anymore. I heard a man at 24-hour saying he prefers Kerry because being able to change one's mind is a sign of strength. In that case, Kerry must be approaching Godhood by now. He could change his mind today on a variety of issues, which means I can't trust him to be right or wrong but somewhere in the middle. Problem is, there is no middle to right and wrong - it's one or the other when it comes to LIFE and DEATH. If I were to follow a man I don't trust in life, then I'm probably choosing DEATH. Perhaps not death for myself or mine but certainly death for somebody. President John Forbes Kerry means somebody(s) in this country will die a horrible and grotesque death. President Bush redux doesn't guarantee that won't happen, but the other way certainly does.
