Saturday, October 16, 2004

USS Kerry midships splitting

Hugh asks:

How deep a hole have John Kerry, Mary Beth Cahill and the Edwards dug for themselves? Deep, Deeper, Deepest

How lasting the damage? Forever

Why is this a deep hole? Because women have memories that last forever!!! Lynne Cheney's words "This is not a good man" will resonate deep within female America. Men heard Dick say, "I'm an angry father," and commiserated by thinking or saying, "Yep, Kerry's a low life, but the Niner game is about to start. They're on a roll after Arizona!" Men are past this already. Women, however, who weren't necessarily full on in the Bush camp are going to "reassess" Kerry and he's doomed himself with this voting block. Kerry pretty much pooped in the Cheney nest, and the United Nesters of America aren't going to forget it -EVER.

I'm reminded of arguments I've gotten into with the fetching Mrs. Guano (not her real name). Like Richard Pryor said once, she's starts bringing up "stuff" (I don't think Pryor knew that word) I did months ago!! How can men who have trouble remembering where the heck they left their shoes defend themselves against a hysterical, errr, excuse me, historical attack?!?! I almost feel sorry for Kerry, well almost. For all his intellectualism, the guy's friggin' clueless. "Clueless from Boston" starring John F. Kerry!!

This demonstrates the man's character. Women have always been better judges of character for the most part. They were a voting block JFK wannabe dared not alienate. He did a masterful job of it.
