Tuesday, October 05, 2004

America Matters

Haven't posted a thing lately as myself, my family, and my church were going through a John 15:2 pruning similar to what the church in Ephesus went through when Paul wrote his letter to them. Not fun, but a necessary event at times for a Christian to grow in his faith and walk with God. My pruning revolved around the fact I was being a lousy husband (aka Point Man) and a poor model of Christ's relationship to the church. Start at Eph 5:21 to find out what that means.

On other fronts, Hugh Hewitt has a challenge to bloggers out there. Not that I'm any expert on nuclear armaments, but Hewitt thinks Kerry sunk himself with a variety of gaffes that will appear after passing the iceberg he hit on Thursday night. In my last post on 9/11, I noted that the USS Kerry (TitaniKerry per Hewitt) is stern up and the midships (not middecks - thank you to the nautical types for that correction) groan under the strain. I think The USS Kerry is doomed, so won't spend a bunch of time on him nor his wife of disputed sanity, except for...

Are nuke bunker busters an iceberg for Kerry? Not knowing much about them, my answer was I don't know so therefore I had nothing to say until I heard arguments about busting Tora Bora in one swoop, or busting a nuke missile silo in some rogue nation. Okay, yes that's an iceberg, then. That would be a tactical and/or strategic device I would want available to those who've sworn to protect my life, liberty, and happiness. Was "Global Test" an iceberg? That's deeper question for me than busting enemy bunker facilities.

As I've vetted Kerry, I've started noticing things about him that bother me - deeply. The man has been gifted generously in life with; wealth, power, public stature, education, etc. As the Lord has pruned me of those things which do not bring glory to Christ, the thing that struck me as recently as this past Sunday is that Christ has "apportioned" (Eph 4:7) gifts to all men. Use of those gifts keeps one away from false doctrine, and this is where I think John Kerry is failing the Lord. That's a strong comment, I'll grant, but it's meant as an iron sharpening iron comment. Not that I expect the good Senator will ever read a thing I write, but he's mis-using his gifts as I was mis-using mine. John Kerry is in this purely for himself from what I can tell. All evidence points to he could care less about me and mine. A servants heart, I do not see in this man. "Global test" to me anyway, implies he doesn't think much of America and its gifts. The world is smarter than us seems to be his worldview. That just flys in the face of the fact this is the most gifted nation on the planet. If all things come from God, then are we to assume that God blew it, and John Forbes Kerry knows better? Shamefully these gifts were not given to us, but shamefully we just might use them.

Is it shameful to try and share the gift of liberty with those that yearn for it - ala the "Century of Liberty?" Is it shameful to protect liberty's Bright and Shining City on a Hill (us) from those who wish to destroy it? No. It isn't. Are we a perfect people? Certainly not! Are we a shameful and terrible people? Welllll.... one only need watch MTV or other "entertainment" to go all wobbly on that answer. The truth is if we mis-use the gifts we've been given, then they can be taken away from us as easily as they were given. The plight of post-David Israel is what keeps coming to my mind. The GWOT isn't just about protecting ourselves from the evil that lurks in all men's hearts. Some of us just have better self control than others when it comes to evil - that would be another gift, the gift of the "Word" to be specific.

No, I think the GWOT was God working 19 miles upstream to let us know there are whole communities of His people out there suffering under the yoke of evil and WE have been ignoring them. Such oppression has led to evil acts that before was unfathomable to the vast majority of civilized people as in; internet beheadings, murder victim bodies burned hanging from a bridge, an evil regime filming and reveling in its acts of barbarity, so on and so forth. God says to us, "Ignore their sufferings at your own peril." For sure, Abu Ghraib pointed out that evil lurks in American hearts as well, but the difference is we punish those committing such acts. They would have been promoted under saddam, or OBL, or Za-Cowardly. That's what the world saw of us from Abu Ghraib. What they don't understand is the current postmodern gibberish that we have "no right to impose our values on other peoples." Well, first let's lift them out of the dungeon they're in and get them the ability to make such a call before we decide it for them and satisfy ourselves that we're politically correct and go about our self-indulgent ways. There's nothing multi-cultural nor moral about head cutters and mass murderers in any postmodernesque interpretation possible. Perhaps there is, but I'll leave that argument to the sanity challenged.

Responding to an attack with "swift force" is not relieving suffering in the world. And what constitutes an attack to Mr. Kerry? Chemical warfare? Biological? Dirty Bombs? Or how about just a slaughter at a school ala Beslan? NO! We can't just sit and wait for evil to rear its head. The stakes are way to high for everyone anymore. Of the two candidates for the most powerful office in the world (Thank God!), only the current occupant understands why America truly matters to the world. It isn't our culture - the one item I'll agree with anything French on - it's much more than that. He's the one who's the true internationalist upon inspecting his vision for the world. Bowing before the UN and its more thuggish members, does not constitute vision. We do have a Great Commission before us. We've been gifted to carry out that mission. If we fail it by wallowing in self-indulgence, the plight of post-David, pre-Christ Israel could be our road map into the future. That's what concerns me the most about John Forbes Kerry with the title "POTUS."
