Friday, August 27, 2004

Bush takes the High Road

For all the whining by JKF2 and his ambulance chaser (dang!!), errr.. I mean running mate.... I can't understand why I keep making that slip!?!?!.... George Bush waited for the frothing at the mouth to reach full spittle velocity and then says this:

"I think Senator Kerry served admirably, and he ought to be proud of his record. But the question is who's best to lead the country in the war on terror."


Oh yea, that stuff - the war on terror, jobs, etc. and why using the word "record?" The audio has him stumbling before that word is used. Classic Bushism to the press, but a brain hard at work to me. "How can I use this statement tomorrow?" The word "record" conjures up all sorts of interesting things, now doesn't it?

And then he takes on the 527s.

"I'm denouncing all of the stuff being on TV of the 527s. That's what I've said. I said this kind of unregulated soft money is wrong for the process, and I asked Senator Kerry to join me in getting rid of all that kind of soft money, not only on TV, but used for other purposes as well. I, frankly, thought we'd gotten rid of that when I signed the McCain-Feingold bill. I thought we were going to once and for all get rid of the system where people could just pour tons of money in and, you know, and not be held to account for the advertising. And so I'm disappointed with all those kinds of ads.."

Or if I may paraphrase:

"I see your whine and raise you your testicles!!"

Not what Kerry was hoping for given his ambula.... There I go again.... Running mate's response the next day. Kerry whines, Edwards does his Flea Bailey impression (poorly), and Bush says these groups should all be muzzled. Probably a good deal more than half of Kerry's campaign efforts would circle down the toilet like the turdlets they are, if the 527 and Soros money plug were to be pulled.

My Fav Brit said this:

"The minute you start running ads demanding that voters "tell George W Bush to stop telling lies about what a weally weally big war hero I am", you sound ridiculous. Especially when your opponent is a guy who's never complained about anything - not the "Bush is Hitler" stuff, not the "Bush knew about 9/11 in advance" stuff, not even the comparatively mild Michael Moore slur that he's a moron so paralysed without his minders that he continued reading My Pet Goat to Florida grade-schoolers for a full seven minutes on September 11. Kerry himself made sneering cracks about the pet goat business, and Bush didn't whine about it."

The Demokook Party considers Bush an inept dolt at their own risk. He's been outsmarting them every step of the way. His timing has been impeccable.


Where's the dang LOCKBOX!!

I knew it!! No Way Jose, will I count on this for our "Golden Years."

Lock box, my butt, Mr. Gore. And, AND, where's the partial self-control feature you once talked about Mr. Bush? Social Security will be the gravy to my retirement planning. But I seriously doubt it'll be around in 25 years. You shouldn't either.


Thursday, August 26, 2004

"Where's the DOG!?!?"

<<"We gotta go back for the dog!!" screamed Lance out of the foward gunner pit as the Chief and Chef mourn the death of Clean.>>

Paraphrase of probable text of Apocalypse Now screenplay for Kerry's dog story

Wow, this guy's a nut. I mean reallly!

Then , THEN, THEN, rather than "turn the boat into the attack and take it head on" or whatever he said, Kerry does just that and then sends Max Cleland and Jim Rassman out into fire to shoot at Bush with a letter demanding he take down the Swift vet ads. He turned the boat into the fire alright, and then ducked into the cabin with the bullets flying above his head into his pals. "Send that crippled guy, they won't pick on him!" The cynicism of that move is just astounding!! I didn't think anybody could be that callous. I think Max Cleland is going to wake up one morning realized how used he was and get really mad.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

"Wait a minute. What did I say?"

Poor Johno.

Like all tall tale tellers, he can't remember what he said anymore. A manager friend of mine once gave this piece of advice to his staff: "Just tell the truth. That way you needn't worry about how good your memory is."

Kerry should have worked for that guy long enough to have heard that.


Monday, August 23, 2004

Kerry to Swiftees: "No Mas, No Mas"

I'm sorry, but the Dem President waanabe is a wimp! He has been saying
like some bantam-weight tiger talking trash, itching and kicking to tear it up in the ring, and what we get is a piss-poor Roberto Duran impression against Sugar Ray Leonard. He hides behind the skirts of his ambulance chasing attorney, err, excuse, running mate and whines that Bush should denounce the Swift Vet ads and pull them down (never mind the 527 implications of that) without ever TAKING ON the substance of what the Swiftees are saying about him, Cambodia, and his actions in that long ago war.

George W. Bush should have no voice about anybody's Vietnam War record and experiences because...., as Kerry has been very fond of reminding people, HE WASN'T THERE!!! What authority or control does he have over Vietnam Vets period?? This is a debate between guys that were there. They need to work out this issue among themselves. I believe that's what worrys the good senator. You know what Senator? You can't have it both ways. You wanted to talk about Vietnam and how Bush dodged it. The only problem is you seem to have dodged it, as well as fudged it, yourself. All those vets are now saying, "Okay, let's talk Vietnam Johno!! Bring it on!!"

What concerns me is the past 4 to 12 years. What happened or didna happen 35 years means little to me other than the "didna happens" scream volumes about a guy who wants to be the most powerful man in the world. But this is now, that was waaaay then. For 8 years we slumbered, got rich, engaged in any and every pleasure imaginable while evil festered and grew in the world. There are still bad guys out there looking to kill me and mine and you and yours in the most grotesque manner possible. To command that fight, I'll take an acknowledged sinner over a pampered brat who has no clue who he is anymore - anyday. This guy "Brought It" 3 years ago, he doesn't need to talk trash.


Friday, August 20, 2004

Speaking of that Frog (Frenchman that is)

Check out what Jacques Chirac thought of the "War on Terror" as the Pentagon and the WTC were still smouldering. Read the whole thing to get the jist of it and look for the bold text at the end. This is a guy we should trust in supporting us??

September 18, 2001

President Chirac Pledges Support Remarks by President Bush and President Chirac of France in Photo OpportunityThe Oval Office
6:30 P.M. EDT

PRESIDENT BUSH: It is my honor to welcome a good friend, a good personal friend and a good friend of America to the Oval Office. It's the first formal visit I've had with any world leader since the terrible day a week ago.
After the incident, after that day, I got a lot of phone calls, and one of the most meaningful phone calls of all was from Jacques Chirac, who expressed his concern for the American citizens. He expressed his desire to stand solidly with America during this terrible, terrible day.
President Chirac understands that we have entered a new type of war. It's a war against people who hate freedom. And I am honored to welcome our friend here to the Oval Office.
Welcome, sir.

PRESIDENT CHIRAC: Thank you. I've come here to tell you of the emotion -- the emotion of France, the French people, an emotion which has no precedent in history before this tragedy, which does not have a parallel. Indeed, it is a tragic event, something which is beyond crime; there are no words to qualify it.
I want to tell President Bush, who is my friend, that we stand in total solidarity -- we bring you the total solidarity of France and the French people. It is solidarity of the heart.
I also wanted to say that we are completely determined to fight by your side this new type of evil, of absolute evil, which is terrorism. And I also wanted to say that France is prepared and available to discuss all means to fight and eradicate this evil.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, sir.

Q Mr. President, sir, do you expect French and British soldiers to fight side-by-side with ours?
And, President Chirac, do you agree that we are in a war, and is France in it? Will you fight side-by-side with U.S. troops?

PRESIDENT BUSH: This is a new kind of war. This war will require determination and patience. People who love freedom, such as Jacques Chirac and the people of France, will join us. I'm confident of that, in finding those who feel like they can terrorize nations because they hate freedom.
We will -- it's a policy of my government not to discuss any plans we may have as to how we intend to deal with the terrorists and the terrorist networks that believe they can disrupt lives, anyplace, anytime in the world. I look forward to talking with one of our strongest allies in private about what's on my mind.
But make no mistake about it: This administration has got a firm goal and a determination to achieve the goal, and that is to rally the world toward a campaign to find terrorists, to smoke them out of their holes, and to get them, and to bring them to justice.
And there's no doubt in my mind France joins with us in this most important campaign. Jacques Chirac has -- this is my fourth meeting with this leader. He's a man of vision. He's a man who understands what I understand, that we've entered into a new era. And I feel confident that we're going to work in a collaborative way to achieve a common objective.
If you love freedom, you must join with us -- must join with America and France. That's the message of this meeting. And we will discuss ways that we can work in a way that will achieve the goal. And there's no doubt in my mind that we'll find solidarity with the French and the French government.
Q Will your citizens fight shoulder-to-shoulder with ours?

PRESIDENT CHIRAC: I don't know whether we should use the word "war," but what I can say is that now we are faced with a conflict of a completely new nature. It is a conflict which is attempting to destroy human rights, freedom, the dignity of man. And I believe that everything must be done to protect and safeguard these values of civilization.
Therefore -- and we are, naturally, prepared to work in complete solidarity with the United States and do everything which is necessary, in consultation with them, to reach this target which is the elimination of terrorism. And I would also like to add that practically all the leaders of the world are following the same line.

Jeezzzz JACQUES, if it WASN'T a war then just what is it?!?! He didn't get it back then so why would he get it in January, President-wannabe Kerry?!?!


The John Kerry Deconstruction Company

Well, all the (liberal) press' horses and all the (LIBERAL) press' men may not be able to put JFK2 back together again. Did I mention the LIBERAL press? He got caught telling a major whopper - repeatedly and on the Senate Floor no less - and his response is to go on the attack against 250+ of his "Band of Brothers." Not only is he a "serial exaggerator," pampered brat, loyal to self first, but he's way too thin-skinned to take on the rigors of the Oval Office. What would he do the first time his bestest foriegn leader friend, Jacques Chirac, criticized him? He's freaking out about an item a cool and steel-nerved professional would have ignored. That's one of the first rules I learned about public sector management: "Don't give bad press the time of day, but counter it with good news the next day."

The guy could finally be toast - thank God. I enjoy life too much to even contemplate the risk of losing it, or those I care about, under a "President Kerry."

The Swift Vets response to Kerry's go-postal reaction can be found here:

They hit back hard with Kerry's own words from 1971. (Sigh)What's a two-faced, pompous windbag to do?


Thursday, August 19, 2004

Leave this Behind!

Jerry B. Jenkins has a new book out about "Paul Stepola, an agent working for the National Peacekeeping Organization." Jenkins and Tim LaHaye brought us the "Left Behind" series. Now I'm all for people getting in touch with their spiritual side, but to hear some people say they "felt God's presence" in ads for these books makes me nutz.

IT's FICTION!!! Granted it may be good fiction, but it's still FICTION!!! GOD is not speaking to you through Tim LaHaye or Jerry B. Jenkins!!!

These guys may be Christians (ok, RICH Christians), but they are not prophets so stop fawning all over them PLEASE BEFORE I HURL. Anyone who claims to know what the future says about the "End Times" needs to read Matthew 24 some more. Even Christ himself, said only His Father knows the time and day of Judgement. The UN may be many corrupt things and just downright useless, incompetent, moronic (fill in the blank) _______, but I'm drawing the line at Satan's throne! Okay, I'll climb down from this soapbox now.

(grunt) (scratch) Whoaaa! (whistling falling sound) (splat, bounce, crucnch)

Ow. I think I broke some ribs in that fall. (wheeze, rattle) Anyway, that stuff bugs me big time because it makes us look like a bunch of wackos and we're NOT! If you want to be touched by God, read the Bible. If you want to be entertained, read a Jenkins book, or a LaHaye book.


Kerry Fights Back!!


I'm impressed. He calls the Swiftees liars and says Bush is behind them because some Texacan provided part of their funding. I smell panic in the ole Kerry-meister. He doesn't even address the worse of the charges - Christmas in Cambodia. The mountain of lies may be about to start crumbling into an all out landslide political holocaust.

Every time I read or hear about this, I keep hearing Marlon Brando's voice, doing a rather strange New England accent impression over that ham radio:

"<buzzzzz click hummmm> A lusht for power...(pop)... that's my dream...(buzzzzzz)... (crackling)... that's my nightmare "(SNAP) "Transmission 11, received 24, December 1968, Sector Zulu Victor King"

After that "Citizen Jerry" takes a long drag on his cig, and says:

"Terminate, with extreme prejudice."

Betcha that took the words right out of General McAuliffe's mouth when this really started to break out. As a former Dem, this is really hard to watch this party break apart on the rocks. What a bunch of morons.


Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Froggy Ruminations

This here is someone who would know who did and didna go into Cambodia

Froggy Ruminations



Actually, I was just going to comment on Froggy Ruminations re: John Kerry's Kurtz Chronicles and found I needed to sign up on this blog log. What do I call myself, I asked myself?

Most blogs have a political angle of some sort, or social commentary, religious, or other sometimes goofy musings. Thinking back to my college days, speaking of goofy musings, I remembered the fan club we had of Dr. Strangelove. Liberals just loved that movie, depicting as it did, the sordid nature of the evil military-industrial complex, paranoia in the military itself, and insanity of nuclear politics in general. A great movie, and after the six-packs were gone, we'd all laugh at ourselves as we staggered about the room shouting, "Mein Furhrer, I can valk!"
However, my favorite character is Col Bat Guano (if that's his name). Col Bat knew right from wrong regardless of what was going on:

"Okay, I'll do it. But do you know what's going to happen to you if you don't get the President of the United States on that phone?"


"Yer gonna have to answer to the Coca Cola Bottling Company."

Now that's a man who understands right from wrong, dang it!!

Soooo.... there's my i-moniker, my hero in the midst of madness - Bat Guano. Why Bat Guano? Because today's times seem like madness. We're bickering about gay marriages, Dubya conspiring to turn Amerika into a Christian theocracy, what happened or didn't happen 35 years ago with the two presidential candidates, all the while nutcases are in the world plotting our deaths in the most hideous manner possible. Idiocy. Madness. Well, I'm going to put my two-cents in from time to time.

My basic theme is in this election, who do you trust to protect your life, liberty, and pusuit of happiness? I know who I trust and why.
