Friday, August 20, 2004

The John Kerry Deconstruction Company

Well, all the (liberal) press' horses and all the (LIBERAL) press' men may not be able to put JFK2 back together again. Did I mention the LIBERAL press? He got caught telling a major whopper - repeatedly and on the Senate Floor no less - and his response is to go on the attack against 250+ of his "Band of Brothers." Not only is he a "serial exaggerator," pampered brat, loyal to self first, but he's way too thin-skinned to take on the rigors of the Oval Office. What would he do the first time his bestest foriegn leader friend, Jacques Chirac, criticized him? He's freaking out about an item a cool and steel-nerved professional would have ignored. That's one of the first rules I learned about public sector management: "Don't give bad press the time of day, but counter it with good news the next day."

The guy could finally be toast - thank God. I enjoy life too much to even contemplate the risk of losing it, or those I care about, under a "President Kerry."

The Swift Vets response to Kerry's go-postal reaction can be found here:

They hit back hard with Kerry's own words from 1971. (Sigh)What's a two-faced, pompous windbag to do?
