Thursday, August 19, 2004

Leave this Behind!

Jerry B. Jenkins has a new book out about "Paul Stepola, an agent working for the National Peacekeeping Organization." Jenkins and Tim LaHaye brought us the "Left Behind" series. Now I'm all for people getting in touch with their spiritual side, but to hear some people say they "felt God's presence" in ads for these books makes me nutz.

IT's FICTION!!! Granted it may be good fiction, but it's still FICTION!!! GOD is not speaking to you through Tim LaHaye or Jerry B. Jenkins!!!

These guys may be Christians (ok, RICH Christians), but they are not prophets so stop fawning all over them PLEASE BEFORE I HURL. Anyone who claims to know what the future says about the "End Times" needs to read Matthew 24 some more. Even Christ himself, said only His Father knows the time and day of Judgement. The UN may be many corrupt things and just downright useless, incompetent, moronic (fill in the blank) _______, but I'm drawing the line at Satan's throne! Okay, I'll climb down from this soapbox now.

(grunt) (scratch) Whoaaa! (whistling falling sound) (splat, bounce, crucnch)

Ow. I think I broke some ribs in that fall. (wheeze, rattle) Anyway, that stuff bugs me big time because it makes us look like a bunch of wackos and we're NOT! If you want to be touched by God, read the Bible. If you want to be entertained, read a Jenkins book, or a LaHaye book.
