Thursday, August 26, 2004

"Where's the DOG!?!?"

<<"We gotta go back for the dog!!" screamed Lance out of the foward gunner pit as the Chief and Chef mourn the death of Clean.>>

Paraphrase of probable text of Apocalypse Now screenplay for Kerry's dog story

Wow, this guy's a nut. I mean reallly!

Then , THEN, THEN, rather than "turn the boat into the attack and take it head on" or whatever he said, Kerry does just that and then sends Max Cleland and Jim Rassman out into fire to shoot at Bush with a letter demanding he take down the Swift vet ads. He turned the boat into the fire alright, and then ducked into the cabin with the bullets flying above his head into his pals. "Send that crippled guy, they won't pick on him!" The cynicism of that move is just astounding!! I didn't think anybody could be that callous. I think Max Cleland is going to wake up one morning realized how used he was and get really mad.
