Thursday, August 19, 2004

Kerry Fights Back!!


I'm impressed. He calls the Swiftees liars and says Bush is behind them because some Texacan provided part of their funding. I smell panic in the ole Kerry-meister. He doesn't even address the worse of the charges - Christmas in Cambodia. The mountain of lies may be about to start crumbling into an all out landslide political holocaust.

Every time I read or hear about this, I keep hearing Marlon Brando's voice, doing a rather strange New England accent impression over that ham radio:

"<buzzzzz click hummmm> A lusht for power...(pop)... that's my dream...(buzzzzzz)... (crackling)... that's my nightmare "(SNAP) "Transmission 11, received 24, December 1968, Sector Zulu Victor King"

After that "Citizen Jerry" takes a long drag on his cig, and says:

"Terminate, with extreme prejudice."

Betcha that took the words right out of General McAuliffe's mouth when this really started to break out. As a former Dem, this is really hard to watch this party break apart on the rocks. What a bunch of morons.
