Thursday, July 28, 2005

Really, REALLY Bad Art

"Oh Horrible, terrible, absymal, Reeaally Sucks!" - Dan Ackroyd as Leonard Pimpf Garnel

Oye. Professor Garnel might as well been describing the scene I just saw on Newz 10 in front of the DOJ Building. My worse fears confirmed about this rally and art display promoted by Move America Forward. Jeez, I hate being right about this! Nice job MAF, nice job of reducing pride in America and patriotism down to the gutter inhabited by the Pearcys and Lockyers of the world. They should've paid you in giving them better air time to promote their pathetic attempts to make themselves matter.


Really Bad Art

“Hellou, I’m your host, Leonard Pimpf Garnel, and this is Really Bad Art.” – Dan Ackroyd

I got an e-mail from a Joe Wierzbicki (Don’t axe me to pronounce it right – the first time) inviting receivers to attend the “I Love America Pro-American Art Exhibit and Patriotic Rally” Never heard of Joe or the “Move America Forward” (MAF) organization before, but I must say they sure have a snappy website. Thanks for the invite, Joe. I’ll think about it and here’s why:

This exhibit and rally is in response to Bill Lockjaw’s, errrr, Lockyer’s art “collection” in the state DOJ building. It’s been all over the news by now (FOX, MSNBC, some MSM broadcasters) after being outed by a local blogger (Conservative Schooler) and the Hoguester has shined his light on this as well. MAF has displayed the “works” on their website – some are truly horrific. I can just hear Dan Ackroyd doing that hilarious routine on SNL. HOWEVER comma …. someone asked me what I thought of Bill Lockyer and this art exhibit. I replied, “I don’t.” Bill Lockyer and Steve Pearcy are two birds of a feather. They are both pathetic boobs who stir up and thrive on controversy to give meaning to their otherwise unremarkable and inconsequential lives. Quite often in my experience, people who engage in Lockyer and Pearcy type behavior do so to hide the fact they are talent, skill, or just downright intelligence challenged. You know the old saying: “If you can’t dazzle ‘em with brilliance, baffle ‘em with…” well… a rather smelly deposit from a male of the bovine genus. Lockyer probably figures if he's controversial, people will think he's actually doing something as AG.

This “art” display is boorish, it’s puerile, it’s talent challenged, but like any cheap Vegas comic (Andrew Dice Clay comes to mind), it attracts an audience for its shock value. Am I bothered that it’s on display in a government building? Yes. Am I surprised that a knucklehead like Bill Lockyer would dish this out as a constitutional officer? No. Bill Lockyer is pathetic. That should come as no surprise to anyone anymore. Sign the petition if you feel you must, but my stratergery would be to give the dolt all the rope he needs to finally hang himself. This current clamor may remind him, or more likely his political handlers, he needs to chill out a bit before the next election cycle. This display is so over the top, the remaining RATIONAL element of the Demokook Party voters may have finally concluded California’s top cop is an idiot they need to put many miles between. Let him be boorish, juvenile, and act the fool. We need do nothing as long as that hole under his nose keeps flapping.

As for the rally and patriotic art exhibit today/tonight, I hope that’s what it is. If it’s a responsible and rational public display of how rational and responsible adults gather over something they care deeply about, then it’s worthwhile. If it’s truly an art exhibit from people who truly care about this country, then it needs to be heard to counter the daily dose of bile we all are tired of hearing from the lunatic fringe celebrated by so-called journalists. If it degrades into a shouting match between the Pearcy’s of the world and the MAF organizers, then the Pearcy’s of the world win this round by dragging otherwise rational human beings down into the dung heap, that is to say - their level. I pray it’s the former, but fear it may not, so count me as a fence sitter Joe.


Wednesday, July 27, 2005


“GIT ‘ER DONE” sez Eric Hougue to the Guvinator! Got that right. (R)nold has been stubbing his toe left and right lately, and being a big guy he stubbs it big. People don’t like losers, just ask Bill Frist. According to Patrick Ruffini, Frist needs to skip bar call with Tedro and realize he has no chance as a Presidential Candidate for ’08. Why? The man is (should be) the second most powerful member of the DC establishment, and yet he has to go hat in hand to the likes of Harry Reid, Tedro, etc, to get his agenda passed in the Senate. Then he gets upstaged by Maverick McCain on confirming judges, who also doesn’t have a chance at Prez. He may have a chance at Vice-Prez under a Billiary ticket, I won’t put it past him. Frist got everyone hot and bothered that he was going to put the Demokooks in their place and get Senate business rolling again. It sounded like a sure thing. Instead he comes off as timid and ineffectual. The lesson here for the Guvinator?

Better to bet big and lose it all than fritter away your pot making stupid piddly bets that you think won’t cost you much if you lose, only to have nothing left to bet when the sure thing hand hits. After awhile them pennies add up to a few bucks pal!! In your case, millions. Am I disappointed that three key ballot measures for November have been yanked? Absolutely! But our Guvinator is a novice when it comes to politics – THANK GOD! This state has had its fill of experienced politicians; greenhorns are welcome from my perspective. So of course he’s getting smoked right now by the Demokook machine in this state. (R)nold may think he needs to make nice to play in Sacramento, but these guys aren’t penny-anty players. He can’t afford any more screw-ups, and certainly no more losses. The three ballot measures that got shot down might as well been written in crayon if they couldn’t pass the brain-trust of the AG. Amateurs playing with big-leaguers is what we’ve seen to date. Are the pros threatened by the amateurs? Well DUH! Of course, the amateurs have something the pros lost long ago – passion in what they believe!! Does (R)nold believe in what he’s doing? I think so. The pros are all about trading favors, which would make them another form of pro as well, and why most of us are sick of them.
People don’t like losers Guvinator. I want to get a shot at these things that you care about, but I can't do it if there's no election. Cancel the election? Well, you might as well pack your bags and go home tail between your legs and admit the Beast did what Hollywood F/X couldn't do to the Terminator. This state is screaming for leadership right now, rather than focus groups, committees, sensitivity training, and the rest of the postmodern crap out there that passes as public policy. Remind the people that you ARE that leader they pushed Grey-out out of office with. Fight to get 77 back on the ballot, get the crowd roaring on November’s election and GIT ‘ER DONE!


Monday, July 18, 2005

“A Covenant With My Eyes”

I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl – Job 31:1

Sex. There now that I have your attention. When I was in high school (back in the mid 70s - the earth had just cooled), the school newspaper editor started out his column like that once. Of course his column had absolutely nothing to do with sex, but that “joke” burned its way into my brain, obviously. Problem is it’s no joking matter anymore.

Pornography. Okay the older of you readers out there just turned away in partial shame and embarrassment. The younger readers may have just said, “Now he’s talking!!!” Porn is pervasive in our culture anymore. It started out as “dirty books” and “dirty magazines” and those movies that played after midnight. Now it’s everywhere. I remember seeing the movie “Porky’s” and watching jaw agape at the explicit (then I think it was “graphic,” but it’s tame in comparison to nowadays) sex scene in that poor excuse for a movie. Did I get a thrill at it? Of course, I was a young hormone machine back then. I still remember the “actress” – Kim Catrall – she of Sex and the City fame, that’s how deep into the recesses of my brain that scene went. Males respond to visual stimuli, and visual images like that burn their way into male memory cells. Kim Catrall is a lousy actress. I’d never pay any of my hard earned money to see anything she’s starring in, but her in “Porky’s,” I’ll never forget, try as I might.

Porn is everywhere. There was an episode of “Friends” where Chandler gets caught by his intended, Monica, “humoring himself” in front of the TV. (Nervous tittering) He was watching porn as he tends to do. He quickly changes the channel to a Discovery Channel show on sharks. (haha) Monica thinks sharks are what excite Chandler sexually (snort, chuckle). So in her love for him, she rents some shark documentaries to get him in the mood one night (guffaw, honk). She’s obviously very uncomfortable but is ready to indulge a bestial perversion of her fiancé (hysterical laughter). Good Lord. That is humor in our culture today. Men and women interacting with each other on a bestial level out of their misunderstood love for each other, but OHHH, Whew! “He was just watching PORN!”

This problem has been around for a long time, the internet has just made it quicker (like everything else!) to access. Hollywood, to give it due credit, once recognized it AS A PROBLEM before ingraining it their own movies (Porky’s, etc.). Back in the late 70’s there was a not so good movie with George C. Scott called “Hardcore.” Scott was a wrapped way too tight father (A strict Calvinist so it was all his fault, anyway), whose daughter disappears on a church outing. Seems daughter rebels from daddy by becoming a porn star. A very riveting scene when George C. sees his daughter in a porno flick, starts kicking the chair in front of him and screams hysterically “TURN IT OFF!”

I still see those Porn Star bumper stickers on cars every once in awhile. Nothing to be proud of my friends. That receptacle on the movie or computer screen is somebody’s daughter, absolutely the Lord’s daughter (“TURN IT OFF!”). Porn is an addiction according to those in recovery. Do I have an addiction to it? Not really, not like some addicts I know, but I have no idea why that is. I’m not about to say, “I’m more righteous than them.”

“Realllllyy???” sez Satan, “Ouueee, I just love a challenge!”

No challenge from me, you creep. I fully admit I could fall just as hard for your lies as the next guy. I’ve just been blessed such that this particular lie hasn’t deeply affected me (yet?). But do I stare at women joggers along the road? Yes. Do I give second looks to women “who forgot to finish getting dressed that morning?” Yes. So, in my own slight way, I engage in the secret lie that is porn. Do I engage in internet porn after finishing posts like this? No. Do I buy Playboy’s or Hustlers? No. Do I watch porn flicks? No. Does that make me any better of a man for just casually drooling at hard bodies bolting down the road? No. Does the fact I struggle to see the beauty of a new mother with baby and pregnancy weight attached to her hips, but have no problem feeling lusty towards bronzed hard bodies make me lesser of a man? Yes.

Porn is killing our society and we stand back and watch it happen. I remember our own daughter’s high skrool graduation ceremony. At one point in a speech full of the usual valedictory type platitudes, the valedictorian spoke about he and his friends spending the afternoon after skrool watching “X files,” and it wasn’t about Mulder and Scully. The valedictorian in his Salutation!!! Talking about porn. It ruined the whole bloody ceremony for me. God forbid he would have said anything religious, but “Hey, ‘X Files’ now that’s funny!”

Rick Stedman declared war on porn from Adventure Christian Church this morning and called on men everywhere to put on their armor and go to war against this insidious killer of society. The money spent (see below) on this excrement could change the world for Christ’s sake! Come on fellas, this is “Every Man’s Battle,” so grab your figurative rifle and let’s stop this monster before it eats us all! First, Praise God for making you a man. Gives thanks to Him for the blessing of your wife or friends and family. Make a covenant with your eyes to always be righteous in His eyes. Remember that’s somebody’s daughter (TURN IT OFF!). And then do your part in this war:

Pornography – How to Help Those We Love
Job 31:1

“Porn is a 13-billion dollar a year industry in the USA alone. World-wide, it’s a 57-billion dollar industry. It’s USA market earns more than the NBA, the NFL, and MLB combined!!!”

This sermon will help us to help those we love.

1. We have a vicious enemy! (1 Peter 5:8)
- “Your enemy the Devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
- Satan’s goals:
a. To destroy our family
b. To destroy our marriages
c. To destroy our Friendships
d. To destroy our witness (Bat sez, “How else to better neutralize Christians?!?!”)
e. To destroy our happiness
f. To destroy our ETERNITY

2. Our enemy’s top tactics:
#1: Lies (John 8:44, Genesis 3:4)
#2: Darkness (John 3:19-21, Eph 5:8-12)

3. Our enemy’s top weapons: (Eph 5:1-6; Col 3:5)
- Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, sloth – The so-called seven deadly sins. They are general categories for all sin
- Today’s #1 weapon: PORN!
“Flee from sexual immorality.” (1 Cor 6:18)
· Sexual immorality = porneia.
· Porneia < classic Greek: to sell, especially slaves. It came to mean sex for sale, or immorality.

4. The pornography lies:
1. Lie: If I look, it will thrill me.
Truth: If I look, it will kill me.
· It will kill my purity
· It will kill my ability to share intimacy
· It will kill my marriage and family
· It will kill my joy.

2. Lie: If I look, it won’t hurt anybody.
Truth: If I look, it will hurt everybody.
· It will hurt me.
· It will hurt those I love
· It will hurt the innocent (somebody’s daughter)
· It will hurt the Lord (and grieve the Spirit)

5. How to defeat the enemy and this weapon:
1. Ask Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior. (Heb 2:14-15)
2. Repent. (Acts 2:38)
3. Confess to another person. (James 5:16)
4. Covenant – commit! (Job 31:1)
5. Be accountable to a trusted friend. (Gal 6:2)
6. Resist Temptation. (James 4:7) (Bat sez “Run away if that’s what’s required!”)
7. Fill your mind with whatever is true, pure, …. (Phil 4:8)

Do you struggle with Porn? If so, here are some resources that may help you in this battle:

Ministry Support Groups: (How do I get out of this slavery?)

· “Every Man’s Battle” Study Group (call Adventure at 771-5683 x 1172 to sign up)
· Men’s Ministry (771-5683 x1172)
· Women’s Ministry (771-5683 x1123)
· Family Ministry (771-5683 x1125)
· Recovery Adventure/Celebrate Recovery (771-5683 x1125)

Internet/Movie/TV blocking aids: (How do I keep this filth out?)


(I’ll grant that last website makes you think twice before going there, but it’s ministry is toward the porn addicted. The “xxx” part makes it reachable in internet searches for porn from addicts who want to change. Hey! You know - "The Lord moves in mysterious ways!")

Books to strengthen believers: (How do I keep strong?)

· “Every Man’s Battle” by Steve Arterburn
· “Think Before You Look” by Daniel Henderson
· “Porn Generation” by Ben Shapiro
· “An Affair of the Mind” by Laurie Hall


Thursday, July 14, 2005

Are you a Saul?

Tom Graffagnino has an interesting observation on the culture of today. I have to say he has a point with all we've seen the past few years. America should have to pass "global tests" and all that. Early Israel just couldn't seem to cope after the death of Joshua and struggled through the Judges phase until they figured they saw the solution in the foriegn pagan kingdoms around them - hence the coronation of Saul. The Lord didn't provide Israel a king until Israel asked for it, so a word of warning that we get leadership we ask for. Saul saw all sorts of "solutions" from the foriegn kingdoms around him, one of which eventually cut his head off and nailed his headless body to a wall. Great folks to emulate! Brilliant Saul, just brilliant. Come up with anymore bright ideas while you were hanging out up there?

As this country's leadership has drifted away from God and His Plan for this most gifted nation in human history, we observe it attempting to find solutions from outside itself, as if solutions from within are somehow tainted. Well, if those interior solutions are without God, then they are indeed tainted. They are from "Doeg's Liar." God has gifted this nation with great education, great wealth, great power, and great people. The sooner we remember that and give thanks and praise to the Gift Giver, the sooner we go back to finding the right answers and "being soothed from David's Lyre." Don't insult the Gift Giver by ignoring Him. Would you be that rude to neighbors, friends, or family? Certainly not! Turn to God for answers before turning to foriegn thoughts and "gods" with your questions. Foriegn answers that are also without God, will get you killed just as fast as interior answers that are without God.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Roseville Truancy Stops Here?

I remember when the city council passed this ordinance last week (Agenda item 9.1 - go to page 1154 of 1187 for the staff report to council) and thought what a no-brainer. However comma Eric Hogue reports he’s received numerous e-mails from so-called conservatives complaining this violates numerous constitutional rights of minors. Excuse me???? Constitutional Rights and minors in the same sentence??? How does that even make sense? Minors haven’t even learned what a bloody constitutional right is let alone how to responsibly exercise those rights. Truancy isn't a responsible act. Granted a lot of adults don’t know how to exercise their rights responsibly, but kids aren’t adults for crying out loud. The Constitution was written by adults to protect the god-given rights of adults to engage in adult behavior, which unless the world shifted in orbit last night, starts at age 18 officially. If we’re going to extend constitutional rights to minors, thus overthrowing that hobnail boot us horrible totalitarian parents wear, down to what age? Does a “terrible” two-year old have a right to act like a brat in public because he’s exercising his First Amendment Right to free speech? And how does this jive with that ridiculous proposal to allow students to leave campus without parental notification for medical reasons as one of Hogue's callers pointed out??? Truancy, err, excuse me, “freedom of assembly” at the mall is a constitutional right but medical appointments are not? Come on folks!! Get your arguments in tune!

Non, this is nonsense. Kids need to be in school to learn about the Constitution and the rights therein and most important – the REASONS for the Constitution - to explain it to their parents apparently. It isn’t so "ya can do whaddeva ya wants ta do." Too many people have gotten intellectually lazy and use Constitutional phrases in sound-bite arguments without fully understanding them in depth. “Well hell, that sounds good!” And, AND, what most concerns me in living in society, too many parents out there are really good at making kids (the easy and fun part!), but not raising them (the no-wimps-allowed part), so damn right I want RPD confronting kids who are running about the Galleria when they should be in class. Roseville is now a big city with growing big city problems. Which points to the staff report reasoning for this ordinance. RPD responded to numerous complaints (approx. 50) involving juveniles during the 03/04 school year, and arrested or cited an additional 39. The arrests and citations WERE NOT for truancy! Truancy is a state issue enforced by school districts and their School Attendance Review Boards (SARB) – a “lengthy process.” It isn’t up to cities and its cops to enforce state truancy laws, but they sure can say that truant kids (while they’re being digested, err, processed through the SARB system) cannot be doing within our city, ergo crimes and misdemeanors which is the object of their concern. Truants by definition aren’t going to be out of class engaging in meaningful civic business for the betterment of society folks. So-called conservatives out there, get your facts straight so you can have your arguments in tune with each other!


Monday, July 11, 2005

The Shanksville Redemption

The more I thought about it, the more chilling the drama takes in yesterday's sermon were. They started with a "stewardess" doing the usual welcome aboard and we hope you enjoy your flight, etc. The next scene was the stewardess sweetly announcing breakfast would be served shortly as soon as cruising altitude was reached. Next was the stewardess fearfully confronting misbehaving passengers who needed to return to their seats and then, in words that made my blood run cold, calling out "Stewardess needs assistance." Next was Todd Beamer talking to a police operator on his cell phone describing the hijacking and the thugs committing it. Next was Todd Beamer reciting the Lord's Prayer with the operator and completing the scene with "Let's Roll!" Christians are warriors when confronted by evil. Ask Lisa Beamer if she thinks Todd was a warrior. Call or write a serviceman or servicewoman you know, or better yet - don't know, and read them Psalm 144 or Psalm 68. Or "Patton's Prayer" - Psalm 63. These are words for warriors.

As promised, here's the Flight 93 memoriam that made rounds on the internet not long after 9/11. It's shameless plagiarism of the Gettysburg Address made not far from Shanksville and 137 years earlier, but the words are quite relevant to Flight 93. Perhaps it's time it made another round:

Eleven score and six years ago our forefathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal under God.
Now we are engaged in a great moral war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met here on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of it as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But in a larger sense we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow this ground. The brave men and women, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they have, thus far, so nobly carried on. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

War, What is it Good for? Destroying Evil

"Non-violence works with moral opponents" - Rick Stedman

Just got home from this sermon on war and pacifism. It was peppered with drama takes on Flight 93 before it was crashed in Shanksville Pennsylvania, up to Todd Beamer's final known words - "Let's roll." There's a update of Lincoln's Gettysburg address making the rounds on the internet, that'll I'll post tomorrow, in memoriam of those ordinary humans who became immortal. There are many who use the inane phrase "Who would Jesus bomb?" in a gross mischaracterization of Christianity and the phrase "What would Jesus do" in the attempt to neutralize Christian debate on America and the GWOT.

The hard facts are Jesus would bomb and destroy evil. Don't believe that? Fine, practice and revel in evil ways and read what awaits you in Revelations 19:11-21 to see how the Prince of Peace will return for those who revel in evil. Peace is for the peaceful who are in Him. Death and destruction awaits those who choose not Him, but make evil instead. Below are the sermon notes from today. This is not "Everything I need to know, I learned in Kindergarten" so if that's your worldview - stop reading now:

"War - What is it Good For?"
Psalm 144:1, Revelation 19:11-21

"Freedom isn't free. It wasn't over 200 years ago during Revolution and still isn't today"

  • Our country is now at war
  • This is not new for American Christains.
  • This is very distressing and disturbing for Christians
  1. What does the Bible say about war and violence?
  • The Lord is a warrior (Exe 15:3, Psalm 24:8)
  • The Lord Strengthens warriors to fight. (Psalm 18:29, 32-34, Psalm 144:1)

"I love you Lord, my strength." (Psalm 18:1), or in Hebrew; "e-racham-ka adonai hezek-ee."

  • Wars are a frequent theme in the Bible. (Exe 17:8, Num 21:3; 31:3)
  • The Old Testament is full of violence (Joshua 6:20, 21; 8:1)
  • The New Testament also contains violence. (Rev 19:21)
  • The New Testament always speaks positively of soldiers (Matt. 8:5-13)
  • The Bible teaches the value of peace. (1 Pet 3:11)
  • The Bible prophecies an end to all wars (Isa 2:4)

2. Was Jesus a pacifist?

  • Jesus is "The Prince of Peace" (Isa 9:6)
  • Jesus gives His followers peace. (John 14:27, 16:33; Rom 5:1)
  • Jesus said, "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Matt 10:34)
  • Jesus used violence to cleanse the temple. (John 2:13-16)
  • Jesus will return as a warrior. (Rev 19:11-21)

3. War - what is it good for? 4 views:

4 Possible answers:

1. Might makes right: War for political or ego interests. - Obviously not a Christian position.

2. The Just War Theory: In strict cases, war is justified - the problem: most Christians assume God is on their nation's side! (See Joshua 5:13-14 to see whose side God is on) "Humans are too myopic to know this absolutely - R. Stedman" So the better question is; Whose side are you on?)

3. Non-violent resistance: "Violence can never stop violence because its very success leads others to imitate it." (Walter Wink)

  • My belief: Non-violence works with moral opponents, but is ineffective with immoral opponents. "Would non-violence have stopped Adolf Hitler? The Columbine Killers? The BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) Killer? As much as Neville Chamberlain would have liked to believe, the answers are; No, no, and no. Mahatma Ghandi urged the British to resist Hitler non-violently in 1942. Dennis Prager said, 'What would the world be today if the British had taken that advice? JFK agreed with While England Slept"
  • AND - the Old Testament is full of violence.
  • AND - the New Testament also contains violence
  • AND - The Cross is the ultimate violent act.
  • How do "consistent non-violence" people deal with biblical violence and the cross?

1. Old Testament violence is "the residue of false ideas about God." (Wink)

2. The cross isn't God's act nor atoning (Wink) "If we are to believe that, then Salvation from Sin is a lie."

4. The Christian Citizen: The priviledges and rights of citizenship demand prayer and sacrifice in the struggle against nationalized evil. (Romans 13)

  • There's a time for war (Eccl 3:8)
  • Why?: War is horrible, but evil is even more horrible and destructive.
  • Pray! For Leaders, soldiers, and enemies!

3 Final Choices:

1) War at all costs (fight peace) - Wrong

2) Peace at all costs (fight war) - Wrong

3) Jesus at all costs (fight evil) - YES

Those looking for a "make nice always" or Kindergarten view of life on Earth, needn't look to Christianity. But if you as an adult, are looking for truth, as difficult as it may be at times, then Christianity is your place.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

"War. What is it Good for, blah, blah,blah

... our values will long outlast theirs. - Prime Minister Tony Blair

Someone forgot to ask Al Queda the question we'll be batting around at Adventure Christian Church this Sunday regarding today's events in London. What a bloody reminder of who these animals are that we fight.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"War, what is it good for? – Nothing?"


Fasten yer seat belts folks! Put the coffee pot on timed start for this Sunday morning and come down for one wild brain cell ride!! Rick Stedman is going to be teaching on:

This Sunday's Message - July 10th
In the classic rock song “War,” the chorus is “War, what is it good for? – Nothing!” That was the popular opinion during Vietnam, and many people are wondering today if it is again true regarding the current war on terror. Even more, they often claim that Jesus was against all war. But is this biblically true? Is war ever right? Is pacifism the only way of Jesus? Is violence ever justified? Join Pastor Rick next week as he returns to the pulpit to teach from the Bible on Jesus, war, and pacifism.

Leave it to Rick to take a bull by the horns, but I can't wait to hear a flip side to the intellectually lazy, good for nothing "Who Would Jesus Bomb?" argument being reguritated everywhere these daze. Let's talk about this like adults for a change!!


“Give us yer fokkin’ money!”

Pullleasse! That is the signature catch phrase of Bob Geldork’s “Live Aid.” This time they are speaking to the G8ers. And just “fokkin” what are you meatheads going to do with it since one of the G8ers has access to my and your tax payments???? Mark Steyn ripped Live8 a well deserved new one yesterday, as did the Washington Post of all places. El Rushbo took up the charge as well declaring he’s tired of failure that doesn’t rock when it comes to Africa. Steyn triggered memories of the first Live Aid concert with luminaries and intelligentsia such as Bananarama, Sting, and assorted other burned out rock stars in desperate need of publicity since they had snorted all their own “fokkin” money away. I vividly remember fawning MTV footage of Bananarama showing up looking like they had cola residue up their noses, probably had been up all night having group sex with assorted groupies they would never see again, and looking severely personal hygiene challenged. “This is a great fokkin event,” one of the party-goers, errrr, “contributors” said. “These are people I should admire?” was the question that immediately popped into my head. “Could they even point to “fokkin” Africa on a map?” Could Madonna these days?? Perhaps if Brittany Spears' mouth was there.

Non, this is nonsense (to coin my now favorite French word)!! Want to help Africans help themselves? Go here, or here, but don’t go to Bob Geldork and the rest of the “fokkin” Live Aid knuckleheads. Guaranteed some of your “fokkin” money will go up their noses.

Update: A very clever web site has more "not-so" random thoughts on the Live8 rubbish.
