Sunday, July 10, 2005

War, What is it Good for? Destroying Evil

"Non-violence works with moral opponents" - Rick Stedman

Just got home from this sermon on war and pacifism. It was peppered with drama takes on Flight 93 before it was crashed in Shanksville Pennsylvania, up to Todd Beamer's final known words - "Let's roll." There's a update of Lincoln's Gettysburg address making the rounds on the internet, that'll I'll post tomorrow, in memoriam of those ordinary humans who became immortal. There are many who use the inane phrase "Who would Jesus bomb?" in a gross mischaracterization of Christianity and the phrase "What would Jesus do" in the attempt to neutralize Christian debate on America and the GWOT.

The hard facts are Jesus would bomb and destroy evil. Don't believe that? Fine, practice and revel in evil ways and read what awaits you in Revelations 19:11-21 to see how the Prince of Peace will return for those who revel in evil. Peace is for the peaceful who are in Him. Death and destruction awaits those who choose not Him, but make evil instead. Below are the sermon notes from today. This is not "Everything I need to know, I learned in Kindergarten" so if that's your worldview - stop reading now:

"War - What is it Good For?"
Psalm 144:1, Revelation 19:11-21

"Freedom isn't free. It wasn't over 200 years ago during Revolution and still isn't today"

  • Our country is now at war
  • This is not new for American Christains.
  • This is very distressing and disturbing for Christians
  1. What does the Bible say about war and violence?
  • The Lord is a warrior (Exe 15:3, Psalm 24:8)
  • The Lord Strengthens warriors to fight. (Psalm 18:29, 32-34, Psalm 144:1)

"I love you Lord, my strength." (Psalm 18:1), or in Hebrew; "e-racham-ka adonai hezek-ee."

  • Wars are a frequent theme in the Bible. (Exe 17:8, Num 21:3; 31:3)
  • The Old Testament is full of violence (Joshua 6:20, 21; 8:1)
  • The New Testament also contains violence. (Rev 19:21)
  • The New Testament always speaks positively of soldiers (Matt. 8:5-13)
  • The Bible teaches the value of peace. (1 Pet 3:11)
  • The Bible prophecies an end to all wars (Isa 2:4)

2. Was Jesus a pacifist?

  • Jesus is "The Prince of Peace" (Isa 9:6)
  • Jesus gives His followers peace. (John 14:27, 16:33; Rom 5:1)
  • Jesus said, "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Matt 10:34)
  • Jesus used violence to cleanse the temple. (John 2:13-16)
  • Jesus will return as a warrior. (Rev 19:11-21)

3. War - what is it good for? 4 views:

4 Possible answers:

1. Might makes right: War for political or ego interests. - Obviously not a Christian position.

2. The Just War Theory: In strict cases, war is justified - the problem: most Christians assume God is on their nation's side! (See Joshua 5:13-14 to see whose side God is on) "Humans are too myopic to know this absolutely - R. Stedman" So the better question is; Whose side are you on?)

3. Non-violent resistance: "Violence can never stop violence because its very success leads others to imitate it." (Walter Wink)

  • My belief: Non-violence works with moral opponents, but is ineffective with immoral opponents. "Would non-violence have stopped Adolf Hitler? The Columbine Killers? The BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) Killer? As much as Neville Chamberlain would have liked to believe, the answers are; No, no, and no. Mahatma Ghandi urged the British to resist Hitler non-violently in 1942. Dennis Prager said, 'What would the world be today if the British had taken that advice? JFK agreed with While England Slept"
  • AND - the Old Testament is full of violence.
  • AND - the New Testament also contains violence
  • AND - The Cross is the ultimate violent act.
  • How do "consistent non-violence" people deal with biblical violence and the cross?

1. Old Testament violence is "the residue of false ideas about God." (Wink)

2. The cross isn't God's act nor atoning (Wink) "If we are to believe that, then Salvation from Sin is a lie."

4. The Christian Citizen: The priviledges and rights of citizenship demand prayer and sacrifice in the struggle against nationalized evil. (Romans 13)

  • There's a time for war (Eccl 3:8)
  • Why?: War is horrible, but evil is even more horrible and destructive.
  • Pray! For Leaders, soldiers, and enemies!

3 Final Choices:

1) War at all costs (fight peace) - Wrong

2) Peace at all costs (fight war) - Wrong

3) Jesus at all costs (fight evil) - YES

Those looking for a "make nice always" or Kindergarten view of life on Earth, needn't look to Christianity. But if you as an adult, are looking for truth, as difficult as it may be at times, then Christianity is your place.
