Thursday, July 28, 2005

Really Bad Art

“Hellou, I’m your host, Leonard Pimpf Garnel, and this is Really Bad Art.” – Dan Ackroyd

I got an e-mail from a Joe Wierzbicki (Don’t axe me to pronounce it right – the first time) inviting receivers to attend the “I Love America Pro-American Art Exhibit and Patriotic Rally” Never heard of Joe or the “Move America Forward” (MAF) organization before, but I must say they sure have a snappy website. Thanks for the invite, Joe. I’ll think about it and here’s why:

This exhibit and rally is in response to Bill Lockjaw’s, errrr, Lockyer’s art “collection” in the state DOJ building. It’s been all over the news by now (FOX, MSNBC, some MSM broadcasters) after being outed by a local blogger (Conservative Schooler) and the Hoguester has shined his light on this as well. MAF has displayed the “works” on their website – some are truly horrific. I can just hear Dan Ackroyd doing that hilarious routine on SNL. HOWEVER comma …. someone asked me what I thought of Bill Lockyer and this art exhibit. I replied, “I don’t.” Bill Lockyer and Steve Pearcy are two birds of a feather. They are both pathetic boobs who stir up and thrive on controversy to give meaning to their otherwise unremarkable and inconsequential lives. Quite often in my experience, people who engage in Lockyer and Pearcy type behavior do so to hide the fact they are talent, skill, or just downright intelligence challenged. You know the old saying: “If you can’t dazzle ‘em with brilliance, baffle ‘em with…” well… a rather smelly deposit from a male of the bovine genus. Lockyer probably figures if he's controversial, people will think he's actually doing something as AG.

This “art” display is boorish, it’s puerile, it’s talent challenged, but like any cheap Vegas comic (Andrew Dice Clay comes to mind), it attracts an audience for its shock value. Am I bothered that it’s on display in a government building? Yes. Am I surprised that a knucklehead like Bill Lockyer would dish this out as a constitutional officer? No. Bill Lockyer is pathetic. That should come as no surprise to anyone anymore. Sign the petition if you feel you must, but my stratergery would be to give the dolt all the rope he needs to finally hang himself. This current clamor may remind him, or more likely his political handlers, he needs to chill out a bit before the next election cycle. This display is so over the top, the remaining RATIONAL element of the Demokook Party voters may have finally concluded California’s top cop is an idiot they need to put many miles between. Let him be boorish, juvenile, and act the fool. We need do nothing as long as that hole under his nose keeps flapping.

As for the rally and patriotic art exhibit today/tonight, I hope that’s what it is. If it’s a responsible and rational public display of how rational and responsible adults gather over something they care deeply about, then it’s worthwhile. If it’s truly an art exhibit from people who truly care about this country, then it needs to be heard to counter the daily dose of bile we all are tired of hearing from the lunatic fringe celebrated by so-called journalists. If it degrades into a shouting match between the Pearcy’s of the world and the MAF organizers, then the Pearcy’s of the world win this round by dragging otherwise rational human beings down into the dung heap, that is to say - their level. I pray it’s the former, but fear it may not, so count me as a fence sitter Joe.
