Wednesday, July 06, 2005

“Give us yer fokkin’ money!”

Pullleasse! That is the signature catch phrase of Bob Geldork’s “Live Aid.” This time they are speaking to the G8ers. And just “fokkin” what are you meatheads going to do with it since one of the G8ers has access to my and your tax payments???? Mark Steyn ripped Live8 a well deserved new one yesterday, as did the Washington Post of all places. El Rushbo took up the charge as well declaring he’s tired of failure that doesn’t rock when it comes to Africa. Steyn triggered memories of the first Live Aid concert with luminaries and intelligentsia such as Bananarama, Sting, and assorted other burned out rock stars in desperate need of publicity since they had snorted all their own “fokkin” money away. I vividly remember fawning MTV footage of Bananarama showing up looking like they had cola residue up their noses, probably had been up all night having group sex with assorted groupies they would never see again, and looking severely personal hygiene challenged. “This is a great fokkin event,” one of the party-goers, errrr, “contributors” said. “These are people I should admire?” was the question that immediately popped into my head. “Could they even point to “fokkin” Africa on a map?” Could Madonna these days?? Perhaps if Brittany Spears' mouth was there.

Non, this is nonsense (to coin my now favorite French word)!! Want to help Africans help themselves? Go here, or here, but don’t go to Bob Geldork and the rest of the “fokkin” Live Aid knuckleheads. Guaranteed some of your “fokkin” money will go up their noses.

Update: A very clever web site has more "not-so" random thoughts on the Live8 rubbish.
