Wednesday, July 27, 2005


“GIT ‘ER DONE” sez Eric Hougue to the Guvinator! Got that right. (R)nold has been stubbing his toe left and right lately, and being a big guy he stubbs it big. People don’t like losers, just ask Bill Frist. According to Patrick Ruffini, Frist needs to skip bar call with Tedro and realize he has no chance as a Presidential Candidate for ’08. Why? The man is (should be) the second most powerful member of the DC establishment, and yet he has to go hat in hand to the likes of Harry Reid, Tedro, etc, to get his agenda passed in the Senate. Then he gets upstaged by Maverick McCain on confirming judges, who also doesn’t have a chance at Prez. He may have a chance at Vice-Prez under a Billiary ticket, I won’t put it past him. Frist got everyone hot and bothered that he was going to put the Demokooks in their place and get Senate business rolling again. It sounded like a sure thing. Instead he comes off as timid and ineffectual. The lesson here for the Guvinator?

Better to bet big and lose it all than fritter away your pot making stupid piddly bets that you think won’t cost you much if you lose, only to have nothing left to bet when the sure thing hand hits. After awhile them pennies add up to a few bucks pal!! In your case, millions. Am I disappointed that three key ballot measures for November have been yanked? Absolutely! But our Guvinator is a novice when it comes to politics – THANK GOD! This state has had its fill of experienced politicians; greenhorns are welcome from my perspective. So of course he’s getting smoked right now by the Demokook machine in this state. (R)nold may think he needs to make nice to play in Sacramento, but these guys aren’t penny-anty players. He can’t afford any more screw-ups, and certainly no more losses. The three ballot measures that got shot down might as well been written in crayon if they couldn’t pass the brain-trust of the AG. Amateurs playing with big-leaguers is what we’ve seen to date. Are the pros threatened by the amateurs? Well DUH! Of course, the amateurs have something the pros lost long ago – passion in what they believe!! Does (R)nold believe in what he’s doing? I think so. The pros are all about trading favors, which would make them another form of pro as well, and why most of us are sick of them.
People don’t like losers Guvinator. I want to get a shot at these things that you care about, but I can't do it if there's no election. Cancel the election? Well, you might as well pack your bags and go home tail between your legs and admit the Beast did what Hollywood F/X couldn't do to the Terminator. This state is screaming for leadership right now, rather than focus groups, committees, sensitivity training, and the rest of the postmodern crap out there that passes as public policy. Remind the people that you ARE that leader they pushed Grey-out out of office with. Fight to get 77 back on the ballot, get the crowd roaring on November’s election and GIT ‘ER DONE!
