Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Two (MSM) Towers

In the Lord of the Rings, "Two Towers" referred to something really nasty - Sauron's tower and Saruman's tower. Both were rendered inert and one came crashing down in the trilogy. Not a moment too soon anymore for our current examples!

I long ago stopped reading print media having discerned they could really care less about the truth and more about how they "feel" about things. Therefore I DK what the Two Towers of print media, the LA Times and the Grey B____, err, Grey Lady aka the New York Times did to me on Friday until listening to the Hoguester and Hugh Hewitt yesterday. They claim I had a right to know about a program that was protecting the lives of me and mine. The only problem is by disclosing it, they've rendered it in severe need of a Viagra treatment to mix some grotesque metaphors. Grotesque is the operative word when it comes to the MSM's judgement anymore. Both Dubya and Cheney let the Two Towers have it and rightfully so.

I was astounded to hear the LA Times DC Chief Doyle McManus' cavalier attitude towards what he and the NYT did to us on Friday on Hugh Hewitt yesterday pm. As Hewitt sez; case closed. They knew it would damage the financial surveillance program and published it anyway. McManus dismissively brushed aside concerns from T.F. Boggs after the usual "I support the Troops" soundbite that no one believes the Left truly believes when they say it anymore. Just when I thought the MSM couldn't sink any lower. Time to engage the Ents against one tower and send in Frodo against the other. Damn you LA Times and NY Times for your arrogance! Stop playing Woodward and Bernstein because you suck at it!


Hamas - Israel Coexistance?

Check out this vote on (P)MSNBC. The results may surprise you. Probably surprising to the MSM in general. I had no doubts when I voted.


Monday, June 26, 2006

Holy Mega-Tithe Batman!!!

Way to go Warren!! Thanks for showing us all how it's done.


Friday, June 16, 2006

H.R. 861

House Resolution 861 sez:

Declaring that the United States will prevail in the Global War on Terror, the struggle to protect freedom from the terrorist adversary.
Whereas the United States and its allies are engaged in a Global War on Terror, a long and demanding struggle against an adversary that is driven by hatred of American values and that is committed to imposing, by the use of terror, its repressive ideology throughout the world;
Whereas for the past two decades, terrorists have used violence in a futile attempt to intimidate the United States;
Whereas it is essential to the security of the American people and to world security that the United States, together with its allies, take the battle to the terrorists and to those who provide them assistance;
Whereas the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and other terrorists failed to stop free elections in Afghanistan and the first popularly-elected President in that nation's history has taken office;
Whereas the continued determination of Afghanistan, the United States, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will be required to sustain a sovereign, free, and secure Afghanistan;
Whereas the steadfast resolve of the United States and its partners since September 11, 2001, helped persuade the government of Libya to surrender its weapons of mass destruction;
Whereas by early 2003 Saddam Hussein and his criminal, Ba'athist regime in Iraq, which had supported terrorists, constituted a threat against global peace and security and was in violation of mandatory United Nations Security Council Resolutions;
Whereas the mission of the United States and its Coalition partners, having removed Saddam Hussein and his regime from power, is to establish a sovereign, free, secure, and united Iraq at peace with its neighbors;
Whereas the terrorists have declared Iraq to be the central front in their war against all who oppose their ideology;
Whereas the Iraqi people, with the help of the United States and other Coalition partners, have formed a permanent, representative government under a newly ratified constitution;
Whereas the terrorists seek to destroy the new unity government because it threatens the terrorists' aspirations for Iraq and the broader Middle East;
Whereas United States Armed Forces, in coordination with Iraqi security forces and Coalition and other friendly forces, have scored impressive victories in Iraq including finding and killing the terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi;
Whereas Iraqi security forces are, over time, taking over from United States and Coalition forces a growing proportion of independent operations and increasingly lead the fight to secure Iraq;
Whereas the United States and Coalition servicemembers and civilians and the members of the Iraqi security forces and those assisting them who have made the ultimate sacrifice or been wounded in Iraq have done so nobly, in the cause of freedom; and
Whereas the United States and its Coalition partners will continue to support Iraq as part of the Global War on Terror: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
(1) honors all those Americans who have taken an active part in the Global War on Terror, whether as first responders protecting the homeland, as servicemembers overseas, as diplomats and intelligence officers, or in other roles;
(2) honors the sacrifices of the United States Armed Forces and of partners in the Coalition, and of the Iraqis and Afghans who fight alongside them, especially those who have fallen or been wounded in the struggle, and honors as well the sacrifices of their families and of others who risk their lives to help defend freedom;
(3) declares that it is not in the national security interest of the United States to set an arbitrary date for the withdrawal or redeployment of United States Armed Forces from Iraq;
(4) declares that the United States is committed to the completion of the mission to create a sovereign, free, secure, and united Iraq;
(5) congratulates Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki and the Iraqi people on the courage they have shown by participating, in increasing millions, in the elections of 2005 and on the formation of the first government under Iraq's new constitution;
(6) calls upon the nations of the world to promote global peace and security by standing with the United States and other Coalition partners to support the efforts of the Iraqi and Afghan people to live in freedom; and
(7) declares that the United States will prevail in the Global War on Terror, the noble struggle to protect freedom from the terrorist adversary.

Whereas I find much to be proud of in the language of this reso;
Whereas I could make some really snarky comments about the vote on this reso;
Whereas I could get really partisan and deride the ideals and question the status of the backbone of certain voters on this reso;
Whereas I could suggest that certain voters on this reso change their diapers;
Whereas I will attempt in the future to avoid the use of italics after viewing this vote tally;
Whereas you my friends should notice the pink and grey references above brought to us by Bill Whittle
that you my friends should view the vote tally for yourself and make your own whereas' to those in italics. The vote tally is eloquent enough, I needn't pontificate on it.


Thursday, June 08, 2006

"Zarqawi's Dead!"

"Fill your hands you son-of-a-bitch!" - Rooster Cogburn.

"Ohhh. Never mind" - Emily Latilla


poof, smack, smack, smack, {sound of a big cigar lighting up.}

splash,, gurgle, gurgle, slurp, “smmmooootthh!” {sound of a shot of Pinch down the hatch}

B.I.H, Za-Cowardly as opposed to R.I.P!

Thank God in Heaven this is a glorious day!! I was so ready for some good, strike that, FANTASTIC news. I’m with the Iraqi’s whooping it up on Fox right now – it’s party time BABY!!! Strike up the band and shoot off the fireworks!! The Devil-in-Chief in Iraq is now trying to locate all the pieces of himself in Paradise that’s turning out to be just a wee bit hotter than he expected. Well, here’s to the pieces they didn’t find!

{gulp, ahhhhhhh}

God Bless our armed forces, God Bless the Jordanians for helping to point the scalpel, God Bless the Republic of Iraq, it’s armed forces, and her people, and God Bless the United States of America – the last best hope of Mankind!

MORE: I saw the video of the F-16s "engaging" the target. BOOOO-YAH!!!! Coworkers of mine told me I'm celebrating more murder and mayhem with this and they find that shocking for a self professed Christian. Damn Right I am! I'm celebrating the grossly insensitive, extremely prejudicial, absolutist, and with malice aforethought; abject annihilation of evil incarnate. Iraq the Model is having theyselves a party. A discussion on Evan Coyne Maloney's site sums up my feelings exactly even though I'm loathe to join in that particular discussion!

MORE REDUX: The devil was still alive after eating 1,000 lbs of TNT?!?!? Okay let's hear it everyone!! "Ahhhhhhhhh." Hope somebody had some morphine handy for him. Even if some in this country are sulking over this, seems the Iraqi's ain't!! I read a comment on a blog somewhere along my lines that "Paradise" is turning out to be a bit of a surprise to ole Za-cowardly. Something along the lines of "where's my 70 virgins?" The riposte: "The virgins are there, it's just that they stay virgins. That's why it's called Hell." Yep. If that dirt napping dirtbag was aiming for Heaven, gads he was a poor shot!!

Sweet Dreams, Sweet Prince (of darkness)


"He was conscious initially, according to the U.S. forces that physically
saw him," Caldwell told Fox. "He obviously had some kind of visual recognition
of who they were because he attempted to roll off the stretcher, as I am told,
and get away, realizing it was U.S. military."

This story gets better and better. Za-cowardly not only was blown to bits (partially) and was the only survivor (suffering survivor) of the bomb(s), but his last vision on Earth was of his sworn enemy coming to collect the bill. Add abject humiliation to his abject annihilation.

