The Two (MSM) Towers
In the Lord of the Rings, "Two Towers" referred to something really nasty - Sauron's tower and Saruman's tower. Both were rendered inert and one came crashing down in the trilogy. Not a moment too soon anymore for our current examples!
I long ago stopped reading print media having discerned they could really care less about the truth and more about how they "feel" about things. Therefore I DK what the Two Towers of print media, the LA Times and the Grey B____, err, Grey Lady aka the New York Times did to me on Friday until listening to the Hoguester and Hugh Hewitt yesterday. They claim I had a right to know about a program that was protecting the lives of me and mine. The only problem is by disclosing it, they've rendered it in severe need of a Viagra treatment to mix some grotesque metaphors. Grotesque is the operative word when it comes to the MSM's judgement anymore. Both Dubya and Cheney let the Two Towers have it and rightfully so.
I was astounded to hear the LA Times DC Chief Doyle McManus' cavalier attitude towards what he and the NYT did to us on Friday on Hugh Hewitt yesterday pm. As Hewitt sez; case closed. They knew it would damage the financial surveillance program and published it anyway. McManus dismissively brushed aside concerns from T.F. Boggs after the usual "I support the Troops" soundbite that no one believes the Left truly believes when they say it anymore. Just when I thought the MSM couldn't sink any lower. Time to engage the Ents against one tower and send in Frodo against the other. Damn you LA Times and NY Times for your arrogance! Stop playing Woodward and Bernstein because you suck at it!
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