Thursday, June 08, 2006

"Zarqawi's Dead!"

"Fill your hands you son-of-a-bitch!" - Rooster Cogburn.

"Ohhh. Never mind" - Emily Latilla


poof, smack, smack, smack, {sound of a big cigar lighting up.}

splash,, gurgle, gurgle, slurp, “smmmooootthh!” {sound of a shot of Pinch down the hatch}

B.I.H, Za-Cowardly as opposed to R.I.P!

Thank God in Heaven this is a glorious day!! I was so ready for some good, strike that, FANTASTIC news. I’m with the Iraqi’s whooping it up on Fox right now – it’s party time BABY!!! Strike up the band and shoot off the fireworks!! The Devil-in-Chief in Iraq is now trying to locate all the pieces of himself in Paradise that’s turning out to be just a wee bit hotter than he expected. Well, here’s to the pieces they didn’t find!

{gulp, ahhhhhhh}

God Bless our armed forces, God Bless the Jordanians for helping to point the scalpel, God Bless the Republic of Iraq, it’s armed forces, and her people, and God Bless the United States of America – the last best hope of Mankind!

MORE: I saw the video of the F-16s "engaging" the target. BOOOO-YAH!!!! Coworkers of mine told me I'm celebrating more murder and mayhem with this and they find that shocking for a self professed Christian. Damn Right I am! I'm celebrating the grossly insensitive, extremely prejudicial, absolutist, and with malice aforethought; abject annihilation of evil incarnate. Iraq the Model is having theyselves a party. A discussion on Evan Coyne Maloney's site sums up my feelings exactly even though I'm loathe to join in that particular discussion!

MORE REDUX: The devil was still alive after eating 1,000 lbs of TNT?!?!? Okay let's hear it everyone!! "Ahhhhhhhhh." Hope somebody had some morphine handy for him. Even if some in this country are sulking over this, seems the Iraqi's ain't!! I read a comment on a blog somewhere along my lines that "Paradise" is turning out to be a bit of a surprise to ole Za-cowardly. Something along the lines of "where's my 70 virgins?" The riposte: "The virgins are there, it's just that they stay virgins. That's why it's called Hell." Yep. If that dirt napping dirtbag was aiming for Heaven, gads he was a poor shot!!

Sweet Dreams, Sweet Prince (of darkness)


"He was conscious initially, according to the U.S. forces that physically
saw him," Caldwell told Fox. "He obviously had some kind of visual recognition
of who they were because he attempted to roll off the stretcher, as I am told,
and get away, realizing it was U.S. military."

This story gets better and better. Za-cowardly not only was blown to bits (partially) and was the only survivor (suffering survivor) of the bomb(s), but his last vision on Earth was of his sworn enemy coming to collect the bill. Add abject humiliation to his abject annihilation.

