Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Churched Homosexuality?

The homosexual agenda of mainstream acceptance has set its sights on black churches. The Home of Uncommon Sense (great name!!) has the low down, as opposed to the down-low, on it. More than a few so-called black churches across the country have allowed themselves to be politicized by election campaigns in recent years so this particular left-wing targeting should frankly come as no surprise to them.

A wise man once advised me when I was considering taking on an ethically challenged opponent, "If you're going to wrestle with a pig, expect to get some mud on you." As Craig De Luz points out, Jesus is accepting of us, sin and all, but if we insist on maintaining our sinful lifestyles, his response will be "I never knew you," when we stand before the Throne as we all will.
