Thursday, April 28, 2005

Diagnosis America III - Lack of Time

“Lord, I want you to touch my life…. But you have FIVE MINUTES.” We are a busy folk are we not? Why is that? E-mail, PDAs, high-speed Internet cable, DSL, cell phones, satellite phones, tivo, etc, etc. It’s either Fed-ex or UPS that’s moves at the “speed of business” since light speed isn’t fast enough anymore. All this technology was supposed to make our lives easier so the story goes. Then why am I so damn tired?

All this scheduling hardware as made us an overly scheduled people. Some I know have nearly every waking moment of their lives and especially their kid’s lives planned out to the second. There was a short-lived commercial to that effect not long ago for cell phone service I believe. I thought it was hilarious, but guess a majority of viewers didn’t as it quickly disappeared. Hit too close to home maybe and didn’t sell enough cell phones. The outline of it was something like this:

Breakfast, two eggs, toast, coffee, juice
Swim team practice
Drink Lunch (vitamin drink)
More school
School sport practice
Select Soccer (Baseball, Pee Wee Football, etc) League practice
TV Dinner
Talk to Family Members

It used military time to avoid confusion between night and day. Sound familiar? Our information and transportation mobility seems to have made life more urgent not more convenient, since everyone knows you can get done today with that new wireless connection what you used to get done by tomorrow. “Whaddaya mean ya gotta go home?!?! There’s a Starbucks in your neighborhood, right?” Before anyone accuses me of being a Luddite, let me axe youse a question. So how is your life now? Better or worse? At the end of every day, do you feel accomplished or just tired? Worn out? Needing a vacation at Cozumel. Takes awhile to fall asleep at night because you’re feeling like you need to work harder because something’s not quite right or missing in your life or in those you love? Are you more profitable than you were last year? Do you check in with what your kids are up to via cell phone or face to face? Did you know you can get GPS tracking service on their phones now so you can confirm their whereabouts by satellite data to see if they lied about where they told you they were? How much is technology a crutch rather than a service in your day-to-day hectic life?

I was thinking perhaps there is some sense in Luddism until I remembered Theodore Kaczynski was a prominent neo-Luddite. You remember him, right? Scraggly, unwashed hair, lived in a hut in Montana(?), blew people up. Check out this link to see the list of “Hutman’s” compatriots. No, Luddism isn’t the answer, part of the problem maybe, but not an answer. What’s missing in the schedule above? If you’re a regular reader of this site, the answer’s obvious by now. The Dark One is ingenious in how he uses the tools available to him to distract us from what’s truly important. Is technology distracting you from God or helping you to connect with Him?

Senyonga observed that if we Americans find we have too much on our plate, then the wise would remove some of the items. A good cure for obesity as well. There’s an internet joke hanging on my office wall about Dakota tribal wisdom in the same vein: “Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you find you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.” It goes on about other strategies to try with dead horses, all of them idiocy that lands awfully close.

Are you riding a dead horse? Just sniff a bit and you’ll be able to tell, but you’ll have to stop and stand still first so there’s no wind to blow away the smell. You can get a new horse at that building down the road. You know, the one with a cross on its roof? Some are big, some are small, but they all have a good stock of the same fresh horse.


Perhaps We Need a Drug Problem!

Making the rounds on the internet.

The Drug Problem in America

~author unknown

The other day, someone at a store in our town read that a methamphetamine lab had been found in an old farmhouse in the adjoining county and he asked me a rhetorical question, ''Why didn't we have a drug problem when you and I were growing up?''

I replied:

I had a drug problem when I was young:
I was drug to church on Sunday morning.
I was drug to church for weddings and funerals.
I was drug to family reunions and community socials no matter the weather.
I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults.
I was also drug to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents, told a lie, brought home a bad report card, did not speak with respect, spoke ill of the teacher or the priest, or if I didn't put forth my best effort in everything that was asked of me.
I was drug to the kitchen sink to have my mouth washed out with soap if I uttered a profane four-letter word.
I was drug out to pull weeds in mom's garden and flower beds and cockleburs out of dad's fields.
I was drug to the homes of family, friends, and neighbors to help out some poor soul who had no one to mow the yard, repair the clothesline, or chop some firewood; and, if my mother had ever known that I took a single dime as a tip for this kindness, she would have drug me back to the woodshed.
Those drugs are still in my veins; and they affect my behavior in everything I do, say, and think. They are stronger than cocaine, crack, or heroin; and, if today's children had this kind of drug problem, America would be a better place.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Diagnosis America II - Creatures of Comfort

That's it - just relax. Have another drink. Some more MSG... - Jello Biafra

Jello Biafra - Cultural Icon?? He croaked out the words above through the scratchy vinyl (a.k.a. hot wax, a.k.a. LP, or BCD - Before CDs to you under 30 types out there) as we wingnuts "thrashed" about the room. Drug free believe it or not. Surprised to learn this Christian used to be a Dead Kennedys fan?!?! Oye, me too. He was also a Gang of Four fan, Flipper, and other Bezerkely, counter-culture types. Jello was always the smartest if not the least diplomatic of the crowd. I don't remember the title of the subject tune. It started out as a nice jazzy riff, Jello doing a great impression of Huxley's soothing "Ford," before breaking out into their trademark DK atonal chaos. I think that tune was on Plastic Surgery Disasters, for anyone interested in that odd bit of musical history. Seems odd to start out a post on Jackson Senyonga's message to America with reminisces of a decrepit old punk rock band doesn't it? However, there is method to my madness. That's been our (Americans) theme, "That's it - just relax" before all Hell breaks loose - sometimes literally. We are the most comfortable nation on Earth without a doubt. Our blessings seem to be without end. God certainly has smiled upon us. This is the greatest nation on Earth and you can pretty much do whatever you want for good or evil. BUT, comma, those blessings can be a curse upon forgetting about the Blesser. The super rich are typically some of the most unhappy people in the world. Look at Jacko for an example. Oops! I forgot. I'm not talking about him anymore. Other not-so-rich folks get unhappy seeing the mega-rich and curse about "Where's mine?!?!"

Okay, I'll bite. Where's your what? I must admit, the Guano family (not their real name) lives pretty comfortably here in Roseville, California. When everyone asks how we got to the station we are in life with me on a lowly public servant salary and the fetching Mrs. Guano (not her real name) working in a low-paying sub-professional job, I tell them I had very little to do with it. My wife, my family, my career, my house, my very life were gifts. Others in our neighborhood make probably twice the cash that we do. Some have three to four times the debt, however, so squeak by every month amongst all their stuff. The burden of debt dragging down their joy in the midst of plenty. Why were we gifted with so much when others weren't? Indeed, why are some seemingly cursed in life? I don't know the answer to that question in the overall sense. But I do know that gifts can be taken away if they are abused, good ole Bernie Ebbers with Worldcom for example, or the Enron gang and so on. Ohhh, how the mighty fall!!

Watching these mighty run about with feet of clay in front of the world is embarrassing to say the least, if not confusing. To some, it appears to lead to outright hatred of our very blessings. Ward Churchhill has gotta be the poster boy for that! Matt Labash is getting to be one of my favorite writers! He takes the stodginess out of conservatism! Personally, I think Ward's a demagogue of the worst sort that's happened to tap into something I'm going to call the "Blessings Confusion" out there and directed it down an angry path for his own benefit. How in the world is any of that nonsense helping anybody ('cept maybe ole Ward hisself!)???

Senyonga said his observations are that we slumber in our comfort. America has such potential to revive the world for God if only we would awake and use those gifts we have received. I remember vividly when our Compassion Ministeries pastor was speaking on the various ministries about the world. He spoke at one point about those he runs into that gripe that "God needs to do something about this or that problem in the far flung corners of the world or even in the far flung economic corners of this nation." His response was "God has done something about it ...(long anticipatory pause) ... through us!" This guy lives his words as he and his bride are headed to Cambodia to rescue child sex slaves for the next five years with Agape International. Sex slaves who are given to Western businessmen in some cases, as revolting as that sounds. The Dark Forces running this trade were the ones snatching tsunami orphans from Sumatra to "restock" as it were. To think Americans may be imbibing in this sickness literally turns my stomach. While we have been blessed with many riches and comforts in life, sometimes we allow the Dark One to distract us with those riches and comforts (That's it, just relax!). He's nothing if not clever in his ways to thwart God's mission for us. That's right - MISSION.

Rick Warren also says we were made for a mission in his A Purpose Driven Life that we just finishing studying. But what do we care about enough to take on a mission? The poor? Well, duhh!! Who doesn't want to help the poor? That seems to be almost instinctual. However, be warned! Many who claim to care about the poor actually follow the Judas model (John 12:4-6)! The recent issue of the Christian Research Journal describes those who claim 3 John 1:2 as justification for gaining material along with spiritual wealth. I'm sure these folks mean well, but Judas would find much to agree with in their particular take on John's letter to Gaius. Jim Bakker fell prey to the Judas model. But why should I not benefit in doing the good work of the Lord? A very good question, but that ain't what it's about my friends. In John 13:15-16, Jesus Himself demonstrates what it's all about. Here's the Redeemer, the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God washing cow poop from his disciples' feet. Pee-yu! And this just before His final act of kindness to we undeserving sinners. This was a man that denied Himself everything - eventually His life. That's a tough order to live up to.

Oye. John understood the symbolism of having poop washed from his feet. He takes the ultimate washing event of the Passion and applies it to worldly things in 1 John 3:16-18. How can the "love of God" be in me indeed! Am I willing to lay down my life for my brother? So easy to say yes, but "yes" is just a word on the air and ... ohh ... there it's gone. Depressed yet? Don't worry! It gets worse!! Paul let's us know what's in store for all our trouble in 2 Cor 1:3-7. From suffering comes comfort?!?! Huh?? Paul was either the most intelligent man in the world or the most bi-polar!! His writings are complex for sure. But in that discussion of suffering is the promise of comfort. Eternal comfort that is. Jesus spoke of treasures in heaven waiting for those who understand the temporary nature of this reality. Those who understand this reality understand its flaws and unfairness. They also understand what needs to be done about it. Our many comforts can bring comfort to those who suffer in the world. For that to happen, we'll have to suffer some of our comforts. Our God-given comforts. Ouch. But through that, the suffering masses will know who the Christians are. And from that may come to know the Christ and the salvation He offers. That's America's mission in the world. If only we would wake up and get on with it. Sorry to wake you (but not really).


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Benedict XVI

Yeah, I like this Pope! The fact that Europe has pretty much gone secular in everything anymore had me worried how the Catholic Church was faring swimming in those waters. I heard the Catholic News Geek on Eric Hogue this morning talking about how that secularism has lead Europe away from Christian-style compassion for the less fortunate in the world or more down the road of selfdom. That would make the words "America is the last best hope of Mankind" down right prophetic. Speaking of, still drafting Part II on the Jackson Senyonga series. Election of this Pope is turning out to be quite a relief, so been distracted a bit.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Habeus Papeam

or "We have a Pope!" I think I spelled the Latin correctly. Okay, I don't know Latin from satin, but I've heard that phrase before. Anyway I like this Pope already:

"We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as definitive and has as its highest value one's own ego and one's own desires," declared Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) at a pre-conclave Mass in St. Peter's Basilica.

He's got that right. Postmoderns, the Vatican is no friend of yours! Thank God!

Update: Here's the correct spelling as found on the Geek : Habemus Papam


Youuusse Are a Meathead!

Yes I am. It took the Hougester this am to remind me I forgot about one of the biggest (wrong) god-models there is – guv’mint. Seems Rob Reiner (that lovable Meathead!) wants guv’mint to raise yourn kids for youse, since youse too dang stupid to figures out hows to done it yournselfs (spooue, klang, "Bingo!"). Yes, yes, I know, I’m being very un-PC, biting the hand that feeds me, since I are a guv’mint worker (county). There are those who might say I’m committing blasphemy by declaring I know better than the guv’mint how to be a parent. Well I don’t, just to be clear, but the Lord does.

Your basic liberal has a huge heart that I won’t deny. A working class liberal wants everyone to contentedly suckle from the same teat, or happily munch from the same trough, as everyone else does. As a soundbite, it’s a very utopian worldview. “Nice and warm you feel, don’t you?” would coo Yoda the naturalist High Priest softly into our ear. John Lennon’s “Imagine” would loft down on the breeze from speakers above every public park as people blissfully ate their workplace provided hot-meal and read about the latest guv’mint program to make their lives even more comfortable and equitable. Our pre-schoolers start their day singing, "The guv'mint loves me so. How do I know? Because Title 101, CCR, Section 26789.23/J tells me so."

So nice. So comfortable, Sooooo, hmmmm, everything's so cozy .... (yawn) ..... Zzzzzz …….. HUH? WHAT? Oh, sorry, I was in Kona for a second. The only problem for humanity with that god-model is we’ve been there, done that. Karl Marx had a great vision of humanity, didn’t he? Some people would have to die for it to be realized, but an omelet needs broken eggs and all that rot. Karl Marx’ wonderful philosophy of a worker’s paradise run by the benevolent state (after it killed all the exploiters) brought us the likes of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Che Guevara, Hitler, Pol Pot, Hussein and the bloody list goes on and on and on. Lenin the original benevolent state leader has been described as the biggest thief in history as he and his Bolsheviks stole the government during the ensuing civil war after Czar Nicholas was disposed of. Your basic liberal is so enthralled with everyone being warm and comfortable that they neglect to think of the evil in the world, and knuckleheads like Lenin could really give two hoots about their comfort. Increasing state power means increasing power for someone, not "empowering" the rest of us.

The other problem is we got kicked out of Eden to toil in the land. Our comfort is not part of the bargain as long as there's evil in the world to conquer. Sorry, Rob, but that battle will go on for the life of the Creation.

Not that Rob Reiner is Vladimir Lenin, but I really wouldn’t want the guv’mint telling me what to do with my pre-schooler. I don’t doubt Reiner’s intentions. I think the meathead has a huge heart like I said above, but if he thinks guv’mint can cure child-rearing issues for everyone, then it’s his brain I have doubts about. I have faith that Californians are smart enough to solve their own child-rearing issues. The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions goes the old saying. It’s either that or guv’mint programs that we'll collectively walk on to get there.


Monday, April 18, 2005

Diagnosis - America (Part 1)

Pastor Jackson Senyonga visited Adventure Christian Church here in Roseville the weekend of April 10th. He’s been all over the country with a vital message to America. He struck several chords within me as far as what ails this country. ACC’s Senior Pastor Rick Stedman, confessed he had been rather pessimistic (as had I) about America’s future until he heard about what was going on in the nation of Uganda and Senyonga’s church and various missions over there. All hope is not lost. If there was ever a place that earned the right to lose hope, that place is Uganda. Uganda was devastated first by the butcher dictator Idi Amin and his gang of thugs, and then by AIDS. The United Nations (hold the commentary!!) warned that Uganda as a nation was in danger of complete collapse a few years ago. Senyonga spoke of those dark days for his nation. Just over a year ago, the fetching Mrs. Guano (not her real name) and I decided to sponsor a Ugandan “Hope Child” through Worldvision . A Hope Child is one who has been orphaned by AIDS. Through our paltry $30/month, this child is housed and fed, is getting an education, is (gasp!) taught about salvation through Jesus Christ. Anyway, a revival of sorts has lifted this once destitute nation up from destruction. It isn’t paradise for sure, but it’s come a long way from the hell on Earth it was.

Senyonga then comes to America with an outsider’s eyes. An outsider who has seen and lived the Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad warned of. He’s heard some Americans grumbling about the state of their culture and country. He’s heard the fear for the future in our land. He does not fear for Uganda’s future anymore, and his message is the same can be true for us. How to get there? First, the illness must be diagnosed. Senyonga observes seven strongholds of the Dark One here in America:

1. Wrong model of God,
2. Creature Comforts,
3. Lack of Time,
4. Obedience level too low,
5. Spirit of Selectivity,
6. Lack of Sustained Prayer,
7. Lack of Desperate Prayer.

All of these could take some time to debate, so I’m going to take one at a time starting with a wrong model of God:

“Wrong Model of God”

Che cosa è la verità? – Pontius Pilate

Okay, whew! Where do I start??? There are as many models of God in our postmodern, multi-cultural society as there are people it seems. Indeed, the standard tenet of postmodernism is truth is what you make it. What it actually is is irrelevant if it doesn’t fit your worldview. “What is Truth?” exclaimed the fatalistic bureaucrat. The image of “God” takes many forms in this confused nation of ours. Many of us engage in idol, or herein god-model, worship whether we know it or not.

A prime example of the destructive results of god-model worship would be its poster boy – Michael Jackson. I haven’t, and will not from here on, say much about Michael Jackson, other than to say he’s guilty, guilty, guilty. Be warned, browse through all that info on that link with an empty stomach. None of this surprises me. I always thought the guy was a freak. Wants to be Peter Pan in Neverland? Pul-ease! His music never entertained me much and the crotch grabs accompanied by a falsetto “oohh” were getting downright revolting. Now he’s just a middle-aged loser, albeit filthy rich loser, who likes to drink wine and watch porn – sometimes with little boys. All that’s left of this cultural icon is a nasty little guy with a bad ‘do. Will he get off? Probably. O.J. Simpson proved you can pretty much do whatever the hell (literally) you want if you got da fame and da bucks to pull it off. He still hasn’t found his wife’s killer on those golf courses. Oh wait!! Yes he has! Anyway, there are still too many people (including “Jacko’s” jury) who revere fame and fortune. But fame and fortune has delivered all types of perversion throughout history. It just makes the perversion easier to excuse somehow (Because we envy the glamorous life?)

Science has become a god-model. Darwinism has become an actual “-ism” in some scientific circles. How dare I blaspheme the “Lord” (evolutionary biology) by questioning its veracity will be the response from the most fanatical – “centuries of work by people much smarter than you Bat have proven this is fact not a theory! Get over it and go back to your cave you troglodyte!” “Wellll, EXCUUUUSSSEE MEEEE! I was just asking a QUESTION. Isn’t that what science is all about for crying out loud!?!?!” That particular exchange occurred at Joe Carter’s Evangelical Outpost when I raised a question that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (or the law of rot) and evolution just don’t jive with each other. The vitriol I received in answer was astounding. Their arrogance and fanaticism in their faith could verily move mountains if only it was channeled into useful things. Instead, when evidence doesn’t quite stack up to support the faith, one of the seer’s has a ‘revelation’ and the world is greeted with new, improved Darwinism like “punctuated equilibrium.” Now don’t get me wrong. I believe critters are able to adapt to their environments as we are able to modify it to suit our needs, but to claim and sincerely believe that we exist due to a series of random, benevolent accidents, takes faith as there is precious little evidence to have fact-based belief.

The other variation of this god-model admits the universe was ‘created,’ but the Creator built it and then left it to its own devices, e.g. abandonment. Granted we are in the seventh day (of rest), but the flaw I perceive in this concept is what scientist creates an experiment and then leaves it on its own to pursue some other interest? No sirree, the paper associated with this experiment is already drafted and waiting for the conclusion in order to be printed in some geek journal somewhere and presented at some geek conference where everyone spends all their time making sure everyone else read their “white” paper that will be promptly forgotten by next year’s conference (Yes, I’ve been there, done that). That scientist is going to be all over creation spouting off about his creation. God may be at rest and done twiddling with and setting up this vast experiment we live in, but “disinterested” is not a word I’d use to describe His attitude towards it with events like the Passion.

The law has become a god-model. Been there, done this with the Terri Shiavo case. Check my archives for this discussion. Not much more need be said about this idol to document the Pharisees in our land are outa control.

Tolerance has become a god-model. Multi-cultural approaches to faith accept every form of faith except for Christianity it seems. Christianity makes those annoying absolute truth claims that tend to break the Cardinal Rule of postmodern faith – “tolerance.” Oh yes, Christianity doesn’t have much tolerance (read none) for sin (gasp!). We love the sinner, but hate the sin. Multi-cultural faith accepts all forms of paganism as spiritual truths in their own right - including such things as witchcraft ( one of those Old Testament detestable things). So in its way, the faith of “tolerance” has become the Dark One’s vehicle for introducing all sorts of evil into our culture and we’ve just been lazy enough, or fearful enough over being branded intolerant, to let the old bastard get away with it without questioning. To declare that homosexuality is a sin because the Bible tells me so, the postmodern faithful would have you believe I wear a swastika on my arm. The Lord was very clear in describing what was detestable to Him in the Old Testament (including homosexuality, not just homosexuality). He delivered us from those detestable things in the New Testament. Shoot the messenger if you will, and many have been shot in one form or another – but the message remains.

Childish faith has become a god-model. We are all to enter heaven as “little children,” (sorry that won’t include you Jacko, until you repent my friend!) but that doesn’t mean we can treat God like our errand boy. He gave us feet which hold up the knees, so when we idly worship (versus worship idols) on Sundays commanding God to do this or that about the world and then go home and flip on the tube and all its mind numbing, we show Him we have the attention span of a two-year-old when it comes to matters of faith. Christianity is not a buffet table, there’s only one thing on the menu – salvation – and it’s prepared only one way. Our blessings in this country have made us children in faith. However, there’s a very good reason this country has been so blessed throughout its history, which is the next post.

God isn’t interested in making sure we get the best parking spot closest to the mall entrance or other trivial, worldly things. He’s extremely interested that we spend eternity with Him. He’s spelled it out for us quite clearly. It isn’t easy. The Christian walk is very quite hard with all the distractions and roadblocks thrown up in our way by the Dark One. But God is there every step of the way to guide our feet (yes, it takes feet to walk, not just knees) to His path home. You want to choose the right model for God? Then take Him on His terms. He worked very hard to prepare each of us for that day, so don’t insult Him for God’s sake!


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Am I so short of Madmen?

“Am I so short of madmen that you have to bring this fellow here…?”
– King Achish (1 Samuel 21:15)

“I’ve got more fruits and nuts than in a fruitcake”
– Gordon Gecko (Wall Street)

The Good Lord knew I needed a laugh this week so He sent one to me in His Word of all places: 1 Samuel 21:15, feel free to cut and paste this quote into the Bible Gateway at right and then explore the Word some more from there. Great stuff! LOL upon reading that Scripture and continued chukling all day over it. Anyway, David is on the run from the murderous first king of Israel, King Saul. David winds up in the hands of his potential enemies, the Philistines. They note that David is the one the Israelites sing about and probably also knew this was the guy that killed Goliath. They bring him to the king of Gath – Achish. Knowing what they will tell Achish, David pretends to be crazy, drooling on his beard and scribbling gibberish on the town gate where Achish has come out to see him.

Achish is the enemy of course, but his exasperation with his staff was downright palatable!! Been there, done that! I can identify with Achish in this one:

“Jeez, I’m surrounded by fruits and nuts and y’all thought I needed another
one?? What do you want me to do, hire him because you’re lonely?!?!”

I could also hear Michael Douglas (in his excellent portrayal of the corporate Dark Side) getting frustrated with the young and ambitious Budd Fox (Charlie Sheen) as I read that chapter of 1 Samuel. So easy to lose it with the people that report to you. Sometimes the overload of leadership gets to be such, that you miss key events and opportunities even when they are shoved right under your nose is the lesson of King Achish. Listen to your subordinates, they just might save your bacon someday! Fortunately for King David, King Achish was in a foul and impatient mood that day.

Later on, as I continue reading on the birth of the Kingdom of Israel under David, I expect King Achish will realize he was duped by the future King David and will find newfound respect for his staff as David’s arrows come flying in. Ouch, talk about too little, too late from management! I try always, everyday, to not be an ass in my job as a public sector manager. From now on, however, I’ll also try everyday to not be an achish in addition to an ass!

Thank You Lord Jesus for another lesson from Your Word!


Monday, April 04, 2005

Shiavo aftermath

John Leo paints a grim picture of America in the coming years now that the Culture of Death has won its first big "quality of life" case. Being human is now being defined by humans (with the power to make such definitions - for now) in a sort of Grim Reaper flavor-of-the-month style. "21 Euthanasia's" anyone? I belive that'll be on the Groningen Protocol's menu in the days to come. I believe Leo accurately predicts that definition will get broader and broader to accommodate all sorts of so-called "Freedom of Choice" agendas. It is indeed ironic that "Freedom of Choice" discussions, typically involving one human taking the life of another in one form or another, emanate from the world's cradle of freedom and choice in complete perversion of the very words.

The passing of the Culture of Death's chief accuser this weekend doesn't do much to lift the spirit either. Naturally, the Dark Forces of the world - in this case the NY Times as discussed by the Hoguester and the Catholic News Geek this morning - couldn't wait to dig its claws into the man's memory. The Geek has the most appropriate words "Bloody Wrong" is his post title in a piece discussing the MSM. The MSM just can't help itself sometimes. Thank God the NY Times has about as much influence on the Vatican as say the Trojan Condom Company would. The Old Senile Gray Lady anymore, which makes it a prime candidate for it's own celebrated philosophy.

I fear for this nation somedays. Some days are worse than others. These daze have been particularly bad in spirit for me hence I won't argue if anyone wants to accuse me of being rather dreary in the last few posts. But these are dreary days with the recent victories won by the Dark One. Even King David (he and Saul duking it out right now in the annual Bible read) got to be a real bummer sometimes in the Psalms during his darkest days. The Good Lord understands we'll can get very depressed when we have to face evil's seemingly unrelenting power sometimes. "Chin up" is what He says - "This too, shall pass. Your best days are still ahead of you." Lord, I pray so. For the benefit of the entire world, this nation's best days must always be ahead of it.
