Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Diagnosis America II - Creatures of Comfort

That's it - just relax. Have another drink. Some more MSG... - Jello Biafra

Jello Biafra - Cultural Icon?? He croaked out the words above through the scratchy vinyl (a.k.a. hot wax, a.k.a. LP, or BCD - Before CDs to you under 30 types out there) as we wingnuts "thrashed" about the room. Drug free believe it or not. Surprised to learn this Christian used to be a Dead Kennedys fan?!?! Oye, me too. He was also a Gang of Four fan, Flipper, and other Bezerkely, counter-culture types. Jello was always the smartest if not the least diplomatic of the crowd. I don't remember the title of the subject tune. It started out as a nice jazzy riff, Jello doing a great impression of Huxley's soothing "Ford," before breaking out into their trademark DK atonal chaos. I think that tune was on Plastic Surgery Disasters, for anyone interested in that odd bit of musical history. Seems odd to start out a post on Jackson Senyonga's message to America with reminisces of a decrepit old punk rock band doesn't it? However, there is method to my madness. That's been our (Americans) theme, "That's it - just relax" before all Hell breaks loose - sometimes literally. We are the most comfortable nation on Earth without a doubt. Our blessings seem to be without end. God certainly has smiled upon us. This is the greatest nation on Earth and you can pretty much do whatever you want for good or evil. BUT, comma, those blessings can be a curse upon forgetting about the Blesser. The super rich are typically some of the most unhappy people in the world. Look at Jacko for an example. Oops! I forgot. I'm not talking about him anymore. Other not-so-rich folks get unhappy seeing the mega-rich and curse about "Where's mine?!?!"

Okay, I'll bite. Where's your what? I must admit, the Guano family (not their real name) lives pretty comfortably here in Roseville, California. When everyone asks how we got to the station we are in life with me on a lowly public servant salary and the fetching Mrs. Guano (not her real name) working in a low-paying sub-professional job, I tell them I had very little to do with it. My wife, my family, my career, my house, my very life were gifts. Others in our neighborhood make probably twice the cash that we do. Some have three to four times the debt, however, so squeak by every month amongst all their stuff. The burden of debt dragging down their joy in the midst of plenty. Why were we gifted with so much when others weren't? Indeed, why are some seemingly cursed in life? I don't know the answer to that question in the overall sense. But I do know that gifts can be taken away if they are abused, good ole Bernie Ebbers with Worldcom for example, or the Enron gang and so on. Ohhh, how the mighty fall!!

Watching these mighty run about with feet of clay in front of the world is embarrassing to say the least, if not confusing. To some, it appears to lead to outright hatred of our very blessings. Ward Churchhill has gotta be the poster boy for that! Matt Labash is getting to be one of my favorite writers! He takes the stodginess out of conservatism! Personally, I think Ward's a demagogue of the worst sort that's happened to tap into something I'm going to call the "Blessings Confusion" out there and directed it down an angry path for his own benefit. How in the world is any of that nonsense helping anybody ('cept maybe ole Ward hisself!)???

Senyonga said his observations are that we slumber in our comfort. America has such potential to revive the world for God if only we would awake and use those gifts we have received. I remember vividly when our Compassion Ministeries pastor was speaking on the various ministries about the world. He spoke at one point about those he runs into that gripe that "God needs to do something about this or that problem in the far flung corners of the world or even in the far flung economic corners of this nation." His response was "God has done something about it ...(long anticipatory pause) ... through us!" This guy lives his words as he and his bride are headed to Cambodia to rescue child sex slaves for the next five years with Agape International. Sex slaves who are given to Western businessmen in some cases, as revolting as that sounds. The Dark Forces running this trade were the ones snatching tsunami orphans from Sumatra to "restock" as it were. To think Americans may be imbibing in this sickness literally turns my stomach. While we have been blessed with many riches and comforts in life, sometimes we allow the Dark One to distract us with those riches and comforts (That's it, just relax!). He's nothing if not clever in his ways to thwart God's mission for us. That's right - MISSION.

Rick Warren also says we were made for a mission in his A Purpose Driven Life that we just finishing studying. But what do we care about enough to take on a mission? The poor? Well, duhh!! Who doesn't want to help the poor? That seems to be almost instinctual. However, be warned! Many who claim to care about the poor actually follow the Judas model (John 12:4-6)! The recent issue of the Christian Research Journal describes those who claim 3 John 1:2 as justification for gaining material along with spiritual wealth. I'm sure these folks mean well, but Judas would find much to agree with in their particular take on John's letter to Gaius. Jim Bakker fell prey to the Judas model. But why should I not benefit in doing the good work of the Lord? A very good question, but that ain't what it's about my friends. In John 13:15-16, Jesus Himself demonstrates what it's all about. Here's the Redeemer, the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God washing cow poop from his disciples' feet. Pee-yu! And this just before His final act of kindness to we undeserving sinners. This was a man that denied Himself everything - eventually His life. That's a tough order to live up to.

Oye. John understood the symbolism of having poop washed from his feet. He takes the ultimate washing event of the Passion and applies it to worldly things in 1 John 3:16-18. How can the "love of God" be in me indeed! Am I willing to lay down my life for my brother? So easy to say yes, but "yes" is just a word on the air and ... ohh ... there it's gone. Depressed yet? Don't worry! It gets worse!! Paul let's us know what's in store for all our trouble in 2 Cor 1:3-7. From suffering comes comfort?!?! Huh?? Paul was either the most intelligent man in the world or the most bi-polar!! His writings are complex for sure. But in that discussion of suffering is the promise of comfort. Eternal comfort that is. Jesus spoke of treasures in heaven waiting for those who understand the temporary nature of this reality. Those who understand this reality understand its flaws and unfairness. They also understand what needs to be done about it. Our many comforts can bring comfort to those who suffer in the world. For that to happen, we'll have to suffer some of our comforts. Our God-given comforts. Ouch. But through that, the suffering masses will know who the Christians are. And from that may come to know the Christ and the salvation He offers. That's America's mission in the world. If only we would wake up and get on with it. Sorry to wake you (but not really).
