DC – Moonbat Central (Both Sides)
Jeeez. We were doing a variety of family things this weekend so I guess I missed the Sheehanapalooza as Michelle Malkin calls it. If you’ll allow me to revert back twenty years for a moment, not only is Michelle downright babalicious, she’s intelligent to boot – a very worthwhile blogroll, hence the new listing to the right. She spent the day at Sheehanapalooza this Saturday and brought back some interesting photos. Seems even that varmint Howard Dean joined in the fun as well:
Photo from Malkin’s web album. However, I edited out the last three letters of the first word, this being a fambly website and all. And no, that’s not really Howard but I had you going for a second didn’t I?
San Diego's version of Sheehanapalooza wound up in the tiolet as well.
Listening to the Hoguester this am, he asked this am why the Sheehan crowd drew over 100k and MAF could only pull 400 people in DC this weekend. Why the difference?? Why so few conservatives showing up at MAF??
Because we have jobs, families to support and responsibilities to keep the nation going, - DUH!!!
Just kidding on the duh part, but these guys are such 5-percenters (as in the left-wing extrema on the Political Bell Curve), that I stopped paying attention awhile ago - well before Katrina the Cruel and Rita the Repulsive. That includes MAF, which I believe to be a cunning fraud. I won't even grant them the honor of placing them on the other 5-percent (the right-wing extrema). Most everyone else has lost interest as well except the MSM desperate to stop their now slippery slope into oblivion, and the most rabid, mouth-frothing Bush haters.
Why am I paying attention right now you may ask??? Because seeing the nuttiness on display gives me comfort that not all is lost in this nation. If the anti-Bush, anti-Iraqi people, anti-military crowd has become this debased, the nation will survive this period in its history so I will “Stop Worrying!”