Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Left's Cynicism and Moms

On a whim, I paid a visit to the website of the National Organization for Women to see what their take on Cindy Sheehan and the Moms peace movement is. They don't appear to have one as far as moms go anyway, but have all the usual stuff about occupying the Iraqi's, etc, etc. I find that very curious, but here's some speculation for you. Cindy Sheehan is mentally unstable and her televised blubberings are "bad" for women. Continued coverage of her and other Code Pink reality denialettes perpetuate the stereotype that women are bags of emotional gas that can't be trusted in stressful situations without spontanenously combusting. That was a myth the Left had been trying to put down as a chauvinist lie about the "weaker sex" for years, but nag, err... excuse me, NOW that such emo serves a purpose for the Left agenda of "Get the Chimp," has NOW been told to shut up and keep their NOW unuseful opinions to themselves??? Could the Left truly be that cynical?

Some are criticizing Bush for even speaking Sheehan's name in recent speeches. Frankly, I think it's brilliant in drawing even more attention to the lunacy of the Anti-Reality Movement. All we need NOW is algore or Moe (Howard Dean) going into one their trademark red-faced rants alongside an Anti-Reality activist. Most people I know are sane, but too polite to get very vocal about those they consider to be deranged.
