Thursday, August 04, 2005

ID, the Shuttle and the Sacramento Beast

Thanks to the Hoguester this morning, I did something unusual. I read the editorial in the Sacramento Beast this morning. The editors published a fiery sermon in defense of Darwin today. It sounds more like the “Bush-is-a-chimp” rants you would find on the Daily Kos or the Democratic Underground websites. The sermon’s attack on the Intelligent Design (ID) theory might as well been written by Kos or the DU in its obvious complete ignorance of what ID is all about. ID is not creationism. ID is not “young earth” philosophy as the Beast implies with:

As with all science, evolution isn't incompatible with religious belief -
although it obviously conflicts with the literal belief in a six-day biblical
account of creation.

Perhaps the Beast’s editors should have read one of Philip Johnson’s books, or William Demski’s, or Hugh Ross’ before attempting to whip up the Luddite masses out there with that ill-conceived sermon, and rather engaged in a thoughtful, educated, and rational discussion, but alas it’s not to “Bee.” (heh!) The Beast, as always, lives up to my lowest expectations of it.

What does this have to do with the Space Shuttle? That would be the Luddite part. The Beast and others like them are basically Luddites: “Maintain the status quo, we’re advanced enough, put the tools of production under the control of the masses, examine and analyze nothing that might offend someone’s sensibilities, feed the hungry,” blah, blah, blah. Under the Beast’s philosophy, science would come to a screeching halt. Examination of new theories and concepts would never get started because the scientific community would have “faith” the current theories are correct enough. There have been critics lately (some on the conservative side apparently) saying NASA is a waste of money, etc, etc. That those funds would be better spent of helping the poor oppressed people across the world. Some folks said that sounds like what I would think.

Well they’re wrong.

Spending 13 billion dollars a year on pornography is grotesque and inhuman. Spending 13 billion dollars a year on the space program is technological advancement. From technological advancement springs forth wealth, new wealth, from wealth springs forth Christian missions to the poor oppressed people around the world to spread the Good News of Christ and the blessings and grace of a loving God. From wealth springs forth the sustaining of those missions. I’m all for wealth and creating as much of it as humanly possible. I’m all against the exclusive use of wealth for selfish ends. NASA and the space shuttle represent future wealth yet to be created, hence future souls yet to be saved. Godspeed NASA.
