Friday, August 19, 2005

The Anti-Reality Movement

I haven’t spent a lot of time reading or cogitating on Cindy Sheehan until this week. Her plight is pathetic. I felt bad for her in losing a son and figured she had a right, as we all do, to be mad at our leaders over life events. People even get mad at God sometimes and He understands this. A fellow and his wife in my men’s Bible study just lost their baby. I can imagine the hurt, anger, pain, and bitterness they are both feeling right now and probably asking, “Why are You doing this to us?” That’s what I’d want to know too. Is their suffering greater than Cindy Sheehan’s? I don’t know the answer to that, but as the Hoguester said this morning, “life is about loss.” We all will eventually lose everything we have on this earth including our lives. That will either be a joyous event because we’re “going home,” or a sorrowful event. That’s totally up to us.

But this growing hoopla over Sheehan has been bothering me and I think I finally figured out why. Ms. Sheehan isn’t the “Rosa Parks” of the “Anti-War Movement,” she has been made the Rosa Parks of the “Anti-Reality Movement” by people that could give two hoots in hell about her. In an e-mail to Eric Hogue, I referred to her as a “pathetic sot.” That was wrong and insensitive, because as I’ve googled on this woman since yesterday and seen what she’s said and written about us (Americans), I’ve come to believe that she’s unhinged. The woman is of questionable sanity and it’s not polite to speak poorly of people not in full control of their faculties. She has become a true mascot for the Anti-Reality Movement. Why Anti-Reality vs. Anti-War, you ask? Because the Anti-Reality Movement in this country refuses to recognize the depth of evil in our enemy.

These are bad people. The Blog Youse Can’t Refuse links to Mohammed in Iraq who answers Ms. Sheehan’s questions to Bush about why Casey died much more eloquently than I can and certainly with much more authority. Mohammed lived surrounded by the evil we only glimpsed on 9/11. In our comfort, we’ve been able to ignore the evil in the world. But notice Mohammed doesn’t whine about being a “victim.” He’s being a man, which seems to be a rare commodity in this country any more. He’s manly in recognizing nothing will be done about the evil in his midst by whining about it. He’s manly in recognizing he and others around him could still die trying to purge the remaining outposts of evil from his country. He’s manly in recognizing this is his fight, but thankful we’re willing to help him. But we’re helping ourselves too. I pray for an Iraq full of Mohammed’s versus an Iraq full of Za-cowardlys and the rest of the "freedom fighters" cutting off heads and such.

The Anti-Reality Movement in this country worships “victimhood,” so Cindy Sheehan has become their poster child. The Palestinians are victims of Israeli oppression according to this movement. Never mind Palestinian homicide bombers blowing women and children to bits on buses all applauded by yasir arafat and saddam hussein (lack of capital letters intentional as a sign of disrespect). But as Michael Medved says, “Every day I’m proud to say I’m not a victim!” I may be under attack, my beliefs may be under attack, my way of life may be under attack, but I refuse to call myself a “victim!” Some people in this country wear victimhood like a badge of honor and measure it against others in sometimes televised weepfests across the country. I’m most troubled to see men accepting that mantle. I have a sound effect on my computer. It’s clip of Brando from The Godfather Nickie Goomba would probably appreciate. See if you recognize it:

You can act like a MAN!!! {SLAP} Wazza matter wit chu?!?!

Men in this country need to act like men, to act like Mohammed. What bothers me most about the Anti-Reality Movement is it demands men to shed their manhood and seek cover behind “mother’s skirts.” Grow up already. Releasing your "inner child" isn't a good thing. Act like a man. Men face down evil in the eye, wrestle it to the ground and destroy it. Men act like gentlemen, but are strong, rational and sometimes make hugely difficult and unpopular decisions. Men recognize they have a Lord, and take the proper steps to swear allegiance to the right Lord when they discover they've been deceived by themselves or the Dark One. Anti-men froth at the mouth and spew forth bile from spittle soaked lips when confronted by men because the so obvious constrast declares their anti-manhood for all to see. Stand firm and hold fast.

Cindy Sheehan’s plight is pathetic. She’s lost her son, losing her husband, perhaps losing her mother, perhaps losing her family, and apparently lost her mind. Is she an icon or a mascot for any cause that should matter? Not to us who embrace reality.

UPDATE: Mark Steyn weighs in mightly on this topic. Also a weblog called Instpunk believes as I do, that Cindy has gone totally insane. From the sounds of the site, Instapunk and I may have banged heads at New Wave bars in Bezerkely back in the 80's!!
