Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Speaking of Osama bin Durbin

Here is an e-mail that I sent to his website directed e-mail address:

Subject: Gitmo = Pol Pot???

Are you serious????

Senator, I have friends in the military and I think you just put their lives at even greater risk with your reckless, and frankly stupid comments on Gitmo. If you disagree with interrogation practices, fine, but to equate our people with Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot makes me question your sanity. These were the most evil people in the 20th Century and you just reduced their evil by equating them to us. That was asinine and I can't wait to watch your censure debate.

Here is the auto reply I got back:

Dear Friend:
Thank you for contacting my office through the e-mail address
dick@durbin.senate.gov. That e-mail address is no longer active. If
you have received this automated message, please understand that no one
in my office has read your e-mail but I am still interested in your
views and questions.
To better enable me to provide timely responses to the large number of
e-mails I receive, I have transitioned to a contact form on my web site
(). I hope you will use
the contact form to share your concerns with me. You can copy the
relevant portions of your original message and paste them into the
message portion of the contact form.
While I can no longer answer e-mails at the old address you used, I am
answering e-mails received through the contact form on my web site. If
you would like a response from my office about your concerns please go
to the contact form at .
I look forward to receiving your message.
Richard J. Durbin
United States Senator

Fine, I'll try his contact form and see what kind of reject notice I get from that. Judging from contact forms I used for Kennedy/Lautenberg/Kerry/Levin when they were on their respective Abu "Grab" blatherings, it'll probably boil down to a two-word summary:

"Bite Me"
