Saturday, March 26, 2005

The Passion(?) of Terri Shiavo

For whose sins are we making this woman suffer? She is needlessly receiving the wrath for her sins that Christ paid for long ago. But as Paul said "law brings wrath." I would say that is because it is administered by fools who worship "and serve created things." God has turned them over to their created things in the "Law." The Great Deceiver tells them they are being humane, and being the fools they are, they have believed the Dark One.

According to even the vaunted AP, Terri Shiavo's eyes and tongue are now bleeding from the dehydration and her skin is peeling off as if by whips. The parallels to what I saw last night are creepy to say the least:

"Doctors have said the 41-year-old woman would probably die within a week or two of the tube being removed. By Friday, dehydration was taking its toll. Terri Schiavo's tongue and eyes were bleeding and her skin was flaking off, Weller said."

I read that and was struck by a scene from The Passion of the Christ." In what may become a Good Friday tradition the Guano family (not their real name) watched it last night, I must admit, for the first time. Watching Christ receive my punishment unto Himself was horrible as the very handsome Great Deceiver attempted to talk Him out of it. There are those who say Mel Gibson is a sick man and invented that brutality for pure profit . Others claim it was reality. As any student of history (as am I) can tell you, the Romans were nothing if not brutal. They were quite skilled at subjugating defeated nations and taught many their craft (Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, etc). What was most horrible to watch with current events was one particular scene where Christ is being beaten and mauled by Roman soldiers on his way to paying full measure for my sin. A woman comes up to Him as the soldiers quell a pending riot with their whips. She offers a towel to wipe His blood from His face and then a cup of water. A Roman soldier kicks away the cup and curses the woman. We will all feel like that Roman soldier and weep once we (America) realize what we have done. Meanwhile, Satan rejoices in this victory.

God, please forgive us. As Your Son said, "we know not what we do" even though we are no longer with excuse.
