Monday, March 28, 2005

The Day After Redemption (for most)

Welcome to the day after Redemption. Tom Graffagnino weighs in again with another KO on the Shiavo situation:

Re the Terri Schiavo "right to kill" case....

At least now we have a fresh and graphically vivid picture of what happens when a nation adopts liberalism's perverted brand of 'separation of church and state' and makes it official policy......And the picture it gives us is not pretty.

It looks very much like the right to 'legally' starve inconveniently "hopeless" and helpless invalids. Pragmatic utilitarianism in the Me-first world of Darwinian ethics on display.... front and center.

Barry Lynn and friends, please.... take a bow. Run that victory lap around
the bloody colosseum floor. Big grin for the camera......

Hey! At least now we know why the State's lawyers and judges are overwhelmingly in favor of removing the Ten Commandments from the courthouses (link added by Bat) of America.

Hint: It's the very same reason full-length vanity mirrors aren't appreciated in a leper colony. (And because Law # 6 is a real killer!)

A poem to help us commemorate the tragedy of the Schiavo
Lord, have mercy on us all....

I heard much the same from the Hoguester last week. Vickie Benbow called in for her real estate minute and instead didn’t talk much about real estate, but nailed the topic at hand with the statement this “isn’t necessarily a Culture of Death but more a Culture of Convenience; it isn’t ‘convenient’ for me to carry this baby to full term, it isn’t ‘convenient’ for me to support this brain damaged relative, and so on.” If that doesn’t explain what we’re seeing, then it’s a mystery that will never be solved! (If Vickie’s still in the real estate biz at the end of my 10-year plan, she just won herself a future client.)

Last I heard Terri Shiavo has pretty much passed the point of no return. She did receive communion yesterday. I’m surprised the Pharisee’s didn’t forbid it as a form of unlawful nourishment.
