Tuesday, March 15, 2005

What is Going On?

I remember sitting in a rental home with my roommates one night in Santa Cruz watching East Berliners going after the "Wall" with sledge hammers, picks, screwdrivers, whateever they could get their hands on. West Berliners began to join in. We stared in disbelief at the TV screen as those ugly concrete monoliths tumbled to the ground in huge billows of dust as joyful Krauts jumped up and down screaming with joy. We looked around at each other saying, "What is going on?" East and West had been separated by concrete walls, razor ribbon, bullets, guard dogs, etc. since we were kids aware enough to know what communism meant. The Berlin Wall was just one of those "realities" that had to be "co-existed" with.

Ronald Reagan exorted Michail Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall!" and it finally happened. Everyone thought Reagan was a naive kook meddling with the forces of nature. The Demokook Party - being a former Democrat, I won't give the Party of Dean/Boxer/Kennedy/Kerry the recognition of being in the same, although I'll acknowledge they are killing the Democrat Party - has been saying much the same about the Middle East regarding the Bush Doctrine's proclamation as this as "The Century of Liberty." They had been pinning alot of the trouble on Israel. Well, with the timely removal of the architect of political murder and mayhem, a.k.a, terrorism (Arafat - may God have mercy on his wretched soul), Israel and the Palestinians are showing some signs of a springtime renewal. Add in this and this and this I think it's time again to say, "What is Going On?"
