Tuesday, March 22, 2005


I've been following the Terry Shiavo case off and on. This is difficult. The fetching Mrs. Guano (not her real name) and I both gave each other our blessing to divorce and carry on with our lives if one or the other was rendered severely brain damaged as Terry Shiavo is, while leaving our respective fates to God's decision.

Terry Shiavo isn't brain dead.

Those leading the charge to have her killed would have us all believe that she's a complete vegetable. Digging into this on the internet, separating away the chaff, Terry Shiavo is able to recognize things and people. Terry is able to communicate somewhat. She is severely brain damaged, which according to some medical experts could be compensated to a degree with some therapy. Her husband, several judges, and other misguided souls want her dead.

God's mercy and grace is infinite. In his many attempts to be God, man screws it up everytime. This time is no exception. In the attempt to be "humane" to Terry Shiavo, it's been decided to starve and dehydrate her to death. Death by dehydration is apparently one of the more painful ways to go. This is humanity? Michael Shiavo, his brother, Judge Greer, and assorted other fools are patting themselves on the back that they are doing the humane thing in killing Terry in such a way. I have no doubts they will succeed in this murder. What that says about our culture of death is a whole another post.

What bothers me more than anything else is the sheer cowardice of the act. All parties involved in taking this life are hiding behind the law claiming there's no blood on their hands in the commission of a barbaric act that normal humans wouldn't curse on a dog for Christ' sake! If you're going to make a decision/order like this, have the stones to pull the trigger and make it quick and merciful!! I would have respect for the parties involved if they were atleast displaying that kind of misguided courage. At least it would be courage, grossly applied courage, but there would be something honorable there. Michael Shiavo, Judge Greer, and now a Federal judge, et. al. are hiding behind the law to commit a horrific act of murder. They are cowards of the worst sort. May God have the mercy on their souls they are refusing to extend to Terry Shiavo.

UPDATE: March 23rd. The judical branch of the Federal government is wrapping itself up in its god - legal precedence. Here's what my man Paul would have to say to them:

"Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man ..." - Romans 1:22-23a

I've bold-texted my prediction above. God help the USA that law would ever be held higher than life itself.
