Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Problem with Kittens...

... is they grow up to be cats! - Unknown

Ever hear that saying? It's one of my favorites given my disposition towards cats, surly is a good single word description. Some have told me that's because my personality resembles that of a cat.

{Fine. Whatever. Fill my food dish will you? And be quick about it you human pain in my butt}

Those who have owned cats will recognize that attitude whether they have the stones to admit it or not. (sigh) Anyway, that old saying about cats popped into my brain reading the latest poem from Tom Graffagnino. I replied to Tom the problem our culture today has with the "Baby Jesus" is what He grew up to be. An Entity that demands much from us, namely ourselves. Like a kitten, the Baby Jesus is cute and cuddly, makes cute sounds, paws at the air with no seeming reason, plays in a manner that evokes sweet memories of our own lost innocence, and just is unthreatening and "Awwww" provoking in general. However, COMMA, that same Baby died a horrific death for you and me some 30 years or so later. Considering that, the Baby Jesus, like the proverbial cat, ain't so cute anymore since He's now become "Awe" provoking ( just so there's no confusion, there's nothing in a cat that provokes "Awe" in me!) The grace of Jesus' sacrifice for me is incomprehensible - it makes no sense in human logic. The fact Jesus would do for me what He did on the cross implies I would do the same for a cat, ergo is totally illogical.

Yes, I'm provoking cat-lovers to leave nasty comments on this blog, but you have to admit the analogy rings a certain amount of truth!! I'd love to debate it with you. However, in this politically correct culture of ours, I'm going to be politically uncorrect and say "Merry Christ-mass" when you have the audacity to waste my spiritual time with a banal "Happy Holidays" style greeting or worse - "Seasons Greetings;"
Yeah??? Well which season is you wishing me? Nutmeg? Howsa bout some thyme? Or if youse a real man, throw some Cayenne Pepper in my eye for a greeting and sees what happens!
or gag me with a spoon; "Aren't we all just in Winter Soltice mood? (giggle)" Puuhhlease!!

I'm soooooo tired of being politically correct as a guv-mint worker anymore, that I'm saying "Merry Christ-Mass" with emphasis on the Christ, when the dull, drab, boring, politically sensitive types hit me with a Happy Holidays or a Season's Greetings. Go ahead, write my butt up for promoting faith in a government function. I could seriously give two hoots in hell anymore. A government with no basis in righteousness got the Israelites exiled to Babylon. I'll stay in Jerusalem with the Jeremiah's and buy a plot of land thank you very much to soak you sorry exiles with later. Sorry to be such a cat this close to a Happy Holy-day, but county bureaucracy seriously got on my nerves today, so pardon my venting if you will.
