Friday, May 27, 2005

Surprise, Surprise ...

…Sergeant Carter. So the Demokook Party flexes it’s newfound muscle, thanks to Maverick McCain, and filibusters John Bolton as UN Ambassador after saying it wouldn’t filibuster nominees from straight votes anymore as I heard from Hogue this am. They’re saying it’s not a filibuster but it sure smells, err, sounds like one. The reason? The White House won’t release classified information for the more slow-witted members to wave all over the Senate Floor in front of friend and foe alike. It’s a specious argument based on the testimony of false witnesses that exposes this has little to do with John Bolton and everything to do with stalling Dubya and making him look impotent. Why am I not surprised? Why should anyone be? The fact my former party of choice cares little for America, Americans or the suffering in the world in general just makes me want to gag.

John Bolton won’t “improve our credibility in the international community. He’s the poster child for what an international diplomat shouldn’t be,” according to Senator Voinovich from Ohio. As opposed to what – the United Nations itself?!?! Those lovely folks who brought us the Oil-for-Food scandal? The organization that epitomizes the word oxymoron with inclusion of one of Africa’s most despotic nations (Zimbabwe) on the Commission of Human Rights? Maybe Robert Mugabe was one of the “world leaders” that wanted to see Captain Talltales as our President. When you have an organization as corrupt, as ineffective (except in getting people killed or gang raped) as the UN, you need someone willing to bounce it on its head and shake all the garbage out of its pockets. Bolton sounds like Da Man! Our UN Ambassador can’t go over there to play patty-cake with some of the most thuggish nations on Earth if that body is ever going to help us export freedom as some of the dim bulbs in the Senate are whining about – one of which is from our great state to our shame.

Why would anyone with half a brain expect help from an organization partially made up of some of the most brutal regimes on Earth to help install free and democratic nations where despots rule now? How does that even make sense? This is the organization by which we are to pass “global tests” regarding our foreign policy? The sheer idiocy of what became of my and Zell Miller’s party is just astounding. I have to agree with SactoDan. He was of the opinion (in a comment to one of his posts) that what we’re seeing now with DemoKook self-immolation is a grand “stratergery” of the Clintons to run Hilliary in ’08 as the savior of the party. That’s the ONLY plausible explanation for the nuttiness going on right now. This has nothing to do with restoring the Democrat Party by crushing the DemoKook Party and everything to do with the Clintons and power. They don’t care about you my friends. Never did, never will.
