Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The L Files

Someone call Agent Mulder and get him started on The L (as in League) Files - Jose’s juiced!! Jose Canseco has written a book outing several sacred cows in MLB as fellow juicers (eg steroids), including the most sacred cow - Mark McGwire. I remember the Oakland A’s “Bash Brother’s” days with Mr. 40&40 Jose and Big Mac “bashing” forearms after knockin’ ‘em out of the Coliseum. The worst part was A’s tickets started sky-rocketing to the point me and my SJSU buds couldn’t afford to go anymore. Ahhhhh yes, the price of success! I was glad to See my A’s take it to the top. Nowdaze they’re trying to C their A’s. I lost interest in baseball after the strike. Guys making bucco bucks (salaries that would take ten years for me to total up to!) for living out their so-called dream but whining that they weren’t paid enough made me want to hurl. Their use of steroids sours me stomach even more. Either God gave you certain gifts or He didn’t – deal with it. Or if you’re going to “enhance” those gifts, at least don’t lie about it so we can take your achievements with the requisite grain of salt rather than the rock that’s forming now.

Well, Matt Lauerererer was giving Jose what for on the Today Show. Matt taking marching orders from the League it seems, by implying Jose needs the bucks so comes out with a kiss-n-tell book, so to speak. Hasn’t Matt quit for CBS yet? Hell, he meets all of the qualifications!!! This should make Matt the leading candidate for Dan Blather’s job for the CBS honchos, since he’s showing himself as a ready corporate player ‘Rather’ than a journalist if you’ll pardon the pun. Either NBC or CBS may have just pleased the League big time by this clumsy attempt to paint Jose as a louse, ‘Rather’ than digging into the real story.

Does Jose have an axe to grind with the League? Sure he does! He tweren’t exactly their idear of a poster boy so they done showed him da door!!! Was that smart on the part of the League? Probably not, given what Jose has in that pointy little head of his. To be clear, I’m no Jose Cansucko (G-Mann, Terry, remember those days??), errr, Canseco fan, but is he telling the truth in this book? I have no doubts he is. True, he has internal demons that he’s been less than successful at fighting. He’s never grown up in my opinion, hence my non-fan status, but I’m stopping short of calling him a liar on this. There’s too much supporting evidence that he’s telling the truth. If the League has their own version of the Cigarette Smoking Man, ole Jose better keep one eye over his shoulder from here on!
