Tuesday, January 11, 2005

A Purpose Driven Life - Day 22

Becoming like Christ. Yeah, right, uh-huh. It’s been said the more Paul discovered the character of Christ the more he realized how far he still had to go. And a long ways he had already traveled – from killer to preacher. Many today expect in some earth-shattering event, the Holy Spirit will come crashing into their lives with trumpets blaring, drums pounding, cymbals crashing, cabs honking, etc.

That was not so in my experience. The Holy Spirit has approached me numerous times in a “whisper” as Warren points out with 1 Kings. He has been subtle and steady. But to be as Christ? Not in this life. The Dark One promised that (Godhood) to Eve and then Adam. There are many faiths today that still feed from that apple. I won’t name them. They know who they are if they’re being totally honest. But it’s a lie. What is also a lie is that a good Christian life will deliver earthly comforts – guaranteed. Show me where in the Bible it says that. Job would say, “Whaddaya been smokin’?!?!” We gave up full time comfort when we bit into that apple. Strife builds character that we will take to heaven; so accept every hardship as a promise of that great reward.

Nor is it true that acceptance of Christ delivers immediate Christ-like character. Sin is a persistent thing and requires time and obedience to lower to a dull roar anyway. You’ll never be rid of it in this life, otherwise who needs Christ? Sin is easy to succumb to (more character building in resisting it), and our culture today encourages such laziness. No one really enjoys growing up and accepting more responsibility at the immediate moment – so easy to stay a child – but God is molding you to be an adult. Take the challenge. It’s worth it.
